
Development of Cybercrime Law in the United Kingdom

Development of cybercrime law in the United Kingdom

The enactment of computer crime specific legislation or cybercrime law in the United Kingdom can be attributed to a number of cases which highlighted the issue of absence of such legislation and the subsequent acquittal of individuals.

R v. Thompson

Firstly, in R v. Thompson,[1] the appellant in Kuwait, had fraudulently caused a bank to credit certain bank balances in England. The access was authorized, however, such access was used for an unlawful purpose. The Theft Act of 1968 was sought to be applied[2]. The primary issue was that of jurisdiction (Kuwait or England) as well as identifying the victim. The court held that for applying the Theft Act, the identification of a human victim is a prerequisite. However, in the present case, the computer system was deceived, rather than a human mind. This highlighted the inadequacy of the existing legal framework to deal with cases where computer was a victim of a crime, rather than a mere facilitator.

R v. Gold and Schifreen

Secondly, in R v. Gold and Schifreen,[3] certain individuals got access to the files contained in British Telecom Prestel Network by seeing the username and password entered by the authorized person, over his shoulders. The accused were charged under the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act of 1981. However, the court held that the accused cannot be prosecuted under the said Act as the use of recorded electronic information did not fall under the definition of ‘false instrument’[4]. Therefore, the act committed by the accused does not come under the ambit of the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act. The outcome of this case highlighted that new age crimes (cybercrimes) cannot be prosecuted under the traditional criminal laws.

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It is pertinent to note that there were a series of case laws wherein the court adopted a more liberal approach to include the new age crimes within the ambit of traditional laws. In Cox v. Riley,[5] the court held that ‘damage’ implies any injury impairing the value and usefulness. Such injury need not be apparent to the naked eyes. Therefore, deleting program from a computer-controlled machine, which renders it unusable, constitutes ‘damage’ under the Criminal Damages Act, 1971. A similar approach was adopted in R v. Whiteley[6].

The increasing instance of computer crimes, the failure of court to effectively prosecute individuals who committed computer crimes, and the significance of ensuring effective prosecution by broadening the scope of existing laws, had a combined effect which led to the enactment of the Computer Abuse Act of 1990[7] in the United Kingdom.

Originally, the 1990 Act brought within its ambit, three categories of offences-

  1. Unauthorized access to programs or data[8];
  2. Unauthorized access with further criminal intent[9] and
  3. Unauthorized modification of data[10].

In Ellis v. DPP,[11] section 1 of the Act was interpreted, and the court held that unauthorized access, even though in absence of damage, comes under the ambit of the 1990 Act.

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The 1990 Act addressed the issue of jurisdictional challenge in cases of computer crime by making it an offence to use a computer in the home country to commit a crime in another country and to commit a crime in the country from a computer in another country[12].

It is pertinent to note that the 1990 Act was not well equipped to deal with computer crimes per se in a comprehensive manner. The issue with respect to section 2 of the Act was highlighted in R v. Bedworth[13], wherein while proving intent, addiction was recognized as a defense. As a result, the Jury acquitted the accused.

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[1] R v. Thompson, (1984) 79 Cr App R 191.

[2] Theft Act, 1968, § 15.

[3] R v. Gold and Schifreen, CACD [1987] QB 1116.

[4] Forgery and Counterfeiting Act, 1981, s. 8(1)(d).

[5] Cox v. Riley, [1986] QBD.

[6] R v Whiteley, [1991] 93 CAR 25.

[7] Computer Abuse Act, 1990.

[8] Id., § 1.

[9] Supra note 18, § 3.

[10] Supra note 18, § 2.

[11] Ellis v. DPP, [2001] EWHC 362.

[12] Supra note 18, § 4.

[13] R v. Bedworth, 1991.


Development of Telecommunication Law in British India

The communications system forms the basis of the economic development of a country and plays a key role in every aspect of an individual’s life. The communications system in India has come a long way from the use of telegrams in the 1850s to the extensive use of the Internet in the present times. It is pertinent to note that the foundation of telecommunications in India was laid by the British East India Company (referred to as ‘EIC’ hereafter), and was later developed by the British Government, under the British Crown.

  • Development of Telegraph services under the British regime

Research in the field of telegraph started in India way back in 1833 when a 24-year-old assistant surgeon with the East India Company (EIC), Mr. William O’Shaughnessy, started experimenting with electricity.[1] In 1839, he set up a 13.5-mile-long demonstration telegraph system near Calcutta.[2] During the same time, Samuel F.B. Morse was developing his own demonstration system back in the United States.[3] However, O’Shaughnessy was completely unaware of this development, and therefore, used a different code which was indigenously developed. On successful experimentation, he published a pamphlet about his work, but he was unable to catch the attention of the EIC.

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The state of affairs changed in 1847 when Lord Dalhousie was appointed as the Governor-General of India.[4] He showed real interest in developing public works like roads, canals, railways, and postal services in India. He also envisioned the potential of the telegraph invented by O’Shaughnessy and authorized him to build a 30 miles long line near Calcutta. This was the first experimental electric telegraph line in India which started between Calcutta and Diamond Harbour in 1851[5]. The success of this electric telegraph line incentivized Lord Dalhousie to authorize O’Shaughnessy to build telegraph lines across India.[6]

O’Shaughnessy completed the work assigned to him by 1854, and as a result, Calcutta was linked to Agra, Bombay and Madras by the telegraph network.[7] From 1851 till 1854, the telegraph was strictly limited to use by the EIC. In April 1854, first telegram was sent from Mumbai to Pune and electronic telegraph facilities were made open to use by the public[8]. Taking these developments and the subsequent need for legislation to regulate the establishment and management of electronic telegraphs in India into consideration, the Electronic Telegraphs Act of 1854[9] was enacted. The 1854 Act provided exclusive right to establishing telegraph lines in India to the EIC, however, the Governor-General of India in Council was given the power to grant the license to any person or company to establish a line[10]. The Act further established a separate Electric Telegraph Department[11]. The Act penalized the laying down of telegraph lines in contravention of the provisions of the Act.[12] It also penalized the persons who willfully caused interruption to the transmission of signals[13].

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The development of the telegraph system continued and by 1856, 4000 miles of Indian telegraph system was established connecting Calcutta, Agra, Bombay, Peshawar, and Madras.[14] It is believed that the Indian telegraph service played an instrumental role in suppressing the 1857 sepoy mutiny.[15] It proved to be a critical military tool by rapidly providing a reliable system of information which was used by the EIC to mobilize its troops. Owing to the significance of the telegraph network in suppressing the 1857 revolt, a number of Indians tried to destroy the same as an act of vengeance.[16]

The 1857 sepoy mutiny led to a significant change in power in the Indian colony. The Electric Telegraph Act of 1854 was repealed, and the Telegraph Act of 1860[17] was enacted to reflect the shift of power from British EIC to the British Crown. The 1860 Act brought two significant changes to its predecessor. Firstly, it gave the exclusive power previously enjoyed by the EIC to the Governor-General of India in Council[18]. The Governor-General also retained its power to grant licenses to private individuals and companies for establishing the telegraph lines. Secondly, considering the attempts of Indians to destroy the telegraph network post-1857 revolt, the Act of 1860 increased the number of penalties for intruding into the signal room[19] and cutting the line[20].

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The developments in the telegraph system in India were accelerated once submarine cables were completed between India and Britain in 1870.

The next significant step in the evolution of communications services in India was the enactment of the Indian Telegraph Act of 1876[21], which repealed the 1854 Act[22]. The 1876 Act was applicable to the whole of British India as well as British subjects in the Princely States[23]. The Act is considered as the first comprehensive legislation regulating telegraph services in India. It defined the terms like ‘telegraph’, ‘telegraph officer’ and ‘message’[24]. ‘Telegraph’ was defined as an electric or magnetic telegraph[25]. Just like the 1854 Act, the Governor-General retained his power of exclusive privilege and the right to grant a license under the 1876 Act.[26] The Act further increased the penalties for causing destruction to the telegraph network. The most peculiar feature of the 1876 Act was the provision for the deployment of additional police in places where mischief to telegraphs was repeatedly committed[27]. In such a scenario, the inhabitants of such a place were required to bear the cost of such deployment[28].

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After the 1876 Act came into force, in 1880, two private telephone companies namely Oriental Telephone Company Ltd. and The Anglo-Indian Telephone Company Ltd. approached the Governor-General of India to propose establishing telephone exchanges in India.[29] They were denied permission on the ground that the introduction of telephones was a Government monopoly and hence the Government itself would commence the work.[30] However, in 1881, the decision was reversed and Oriental Telephone Company Ltd. was granted a license for opening telephone exchanges at Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai and Ahmedabad. The telephone came to India a little later in 1882.[31]

In 1883, the telegraph services were combined with postal services.[32] In the meanwhile, a Bill proposing the repeal of the 1876 Act was tabled to the Council. The Bill suggested modification of the definition of ‘telegraph’ to be in consonance with the developments in Britain. It also suggested the creation of a new category of penalties. This led to the enactment of the Telegraph Act of 1885[33]. The Act broadened the definition of ‘telegraph’ to include “appliances and apparatus for transmitting or making telegraphic, telephonic or other communications by means of electricity, galvanism or magnetism”[34]. The Act also created a Telegraph Authority, which meant the Director-General of Telegraphs and included any officer empowered by him[35]. Just like its 1860 and 1876 predecessors, the Governor-General enjoyed the exclusive privilege and the right to grant a license under the 1885 Act as well. The Act further granted the power to Government to take possession of licensed telegraphs to intercept messages[36].

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In 1888, overseas communications were merged with the Director-General of the Indian Telegraph Department.[37]

The next significant development took place in 1902 when cable telegraphs were changed to wireless telegraphs.[38] Therefore, in 1902, the Indian telegraph services went wireless. Furthermore, in 1914, a big administrative change happened. The Postal Department and the Telegraph Department were amalgamated under a single Director-General by amending the definition of ‘telegraph authority under the 1885 Act[39].

The 1885 Act underwent a number of changes in the years 1914, 1930 and 1937. As per the amendment of section 4 in 1914, the Government was given the power to establish and maintain wireless telegraphs on ships within Indian territorial waters and telegraphs other than wireless telegraphs[40]. This provision was further amended in 1930 to include the use of wireless telegraphy on aircraft[41].

  • Development of Radio broadcasting services under the British regime

Respect to radio broadcasting, broadcasting was introduced as a private venture through radio clubs in Calcutta, Madras, Bombay and Lahore in 1923 and 1924.[42] In June 1923, the Radio Club of Bombay made the first-ever broadcast in India. In 1927, Calcutta Radio Club was established. During this time period, there was a daily broadcast of 2-3 hours of music and talks. However, most of these stations faced liquidation within three years of their establishment due to insufficient finances.[43]

The year 1927 also witnessed an agreement between the Government and a private company named Indian Broadcasting Company Ltd. (IBC).[44] This agreement led to the setting up of the Broadcasting Service which began broadcasting in 1927 on an experimental basis in Bombay and later in Calcutta. However, IBC faced liquidation within 3 years of its establishment.[45] The government acquired its assets and established the Indian Broadcasting Service under the Department of Labour and Industries.[46] Since then, broadcasting has remained under the control of the Government in India.

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Following the establishment of the Indian Broadcasting Service, in 1935, Lionel Fielden was appointed the first Controller of Broadcasting.[47] In the same year, a private radio station, Akashvani Mysore, was set up.[48] In 1936, a radio station was commissioned in Delhi.

The next significant step in the development of radio broadcasting services in India was the renaming of the Indian State Broadcasting Service as ‘All India Radio’, or AIR in June 1936.[49] A new signature tune was added to AIR. The Delhi radio station, established in the same year, became the nucleus of broadcasting at the national level. In 1937, AIR was brought under the Department of Communications and in 1941, under the Department of Information and Broadcasting. The Department of Information and Broadcasting was again changed to the Department of Information and Broadcasting (I&B) on 10th September 1946.[50]

Radio broadcasting underwent considerable developments during World War II. By 1939, the entire country was covered by short-wave service. Taking into account the outbreak of World War, the programme structure of radio underwent a change to meet wartime contingencies. News and political commentaries were introduced and special broadcasts were made for the people on the strategic north-eastern and north-western borders.

  • Regulation of Wireless Telegraphy in the British regime

Wireless telegraphy in India developed in line with the development of radio services. One of the major sources of revenue for the Indian State Broadcasting Service was revenue from the licence fee for working of wireless apparatus under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885. Owing to the lack of legislation dealing with the unlicensed use of wireless apparatus, the Indian State Broadcasting Service faced substantial revenue losses. To deal with the unlawful possession of wireless telegraphy apparatus, the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act of 1933[51] was enacted.

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The 1933 Act defined terms like ‘wireless communication’ and ‘wireless telegraphy apparatus.[52] The Act prohibited the possession of wireless telegraphy apparatus without a license under section 4. The telegraph authority under the Indian Telegraph Act of 1885 was given the power to issue licenses to possess wireless telegraphy apparatus under the Act[53]. The act of possession of wireless telegraphy apparatus without a license was made a punishable offence[54].

  • The relevance of Communication Laws enacted in the British regime after the coming into force of the Constitution of India in 1950

When India became independent, there were over 7000 telegraph offices and about 300 state-owned telephone services, across the country. Furthermore, there were 6 AIR stations at Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Lucknow and Tiruchirapalli, with 18 transmitters, among which six were on the medium wave and the remaining were on short wave.

The legal regime governing the telecommunications sector in India developed to a considerable extent after independence owing to technological changes, however, it is pertinent to note that the government decided to adopt certain key legislation relating to the telecommunications sector which was in force during the British regime. The most significant adoption was the exclusive privilege over the telegraph service and right to grant a license, enjoyed by the Government over the telecommunications sector in the British regime. This status was adopted in the Constitution of India by virtue of Entry 31 of List I in Schedule 7 which puts ‘posts and telegraphs, telephones, wireless, broadcasting, and other like forms of communications’ in the exclusive domain of the Union List[55]. The then Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, was also of the opinion that the telecommunication sector should be retained by the Central Government owing to its criticality to the development of India.

The Telegraph Act of 1885 was amended in the year 1948 to substitute the word ‘Provinces’ with ‘India’[56]. Although the definition of ‘telegraph’ has been amended in the subsequent years to ensure that technological development does not leave out certain services from being regulated by the state, however, the basic premise of the 1885 Act has remained intact over the years.

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The Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933 too is still in existence and retains most of the provisions of the original Act.

With respect to radio broadcasting services, All India Radio is in existence even today, under the control of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

Therefore, the British regime did not only help India in laying the infrastructural foundations of communications, it also helped to develop a legal regime governing the same. This legal regime is still operational, with certain amendments aimed at adopting the dynamic nature of technology.

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[1] John H. Lienhard, Indian Telegraph, (last visited Apr. 20 2021).

[2] Id.

[3] Indian telegraph Service, INDIAN PHILATELY, (last visited Apr. 20 2021).

[4] Lienhard, Supra note 1.

[5] Development of posts and telegraph during the British rule, (last visited Apr. 20 2021).

[6] Lienhard, Supra note 1.

[7] Supra note 3.

[8] Maninder Dabas, Today in 1854, first telegrpoh was sent in India, INDIA TIMES (Apr, 27, 2017, 4:15 PM),

[9] Electronic Telegraphs Act, 1854, available at

[10] Id, § 1.

[11] Supra note 9, § 7.

[12] Supra note 9, § 2.

[13] Supra note 9, § 9.

[14] Lienhard, Supra note 1.

[15] Michael Mann, The deep digital divide: The telephone in British India, 35(1) HISTORICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH 188, 200 (2010).

[16] Id.

[17] Telegraph Act, 1860, available at

[18] Id, § 2.

[19] Supra note 17, § 9.

[20] Supra note 17, § 10.

[21] Indian Telegraph Act, 1876, available at

[22] Id, § 2.

[23] Supra note 21, § 1.

[24] Supra note 21, § 3.

[25] Id.

[26] Supra note 21, § 4.

[27] Supra note 21, § 16.

[28] Id.

[29] Gopika G G, Growth and development of telecom sector in India- An overview, 16(9) IOSR-JBM 25, 26 (2014).

[30] Id.

[31] Id.

[32] Id.

[33] Telegraph Act, 1885, available at

[34] Id, § 3(1).

[35] Supra note 33, § 3(6).

[36] Supra note 33, § 5.

[37] Id.

[38] Gopika G G, Growth and development of telecom sector in India- An overview, 16(9) IOSR-JBM 25, 33 (2014).

[39] Supra note 33, § 3(6).

[40] Act 7 of 1914.

[41] Act 27 of 1930.

[42] Growth and development, PRASAR BHARTI, (last visited 20 Apr. 2021).

[43] Id.

[44] Alasdair Pinkerton, Radio and the Raj: Broadcasting in British India (1920-1940), 18(2) JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY 167, (2008).

[45] Id. at 175.

[46] Id.

[47] Id.

[48] Supra note 42.

[49] K.C. Archana, 80 years of AIR: Remembering the golden days of All India Radio, INDIA TODAY (June 8, 2016, 3:51 PM),

[50] Id.

[51] Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933, available at

[52] Id. § 2.

[53] Supra note 51, § 5.

[54] Supra note 51, § 6.

[55] Constitution of India, 1950, Schedule VII, List I, Entry 31.

[56] Act 45 of 1948.


Development of Cybercrime Law in the European Union

At the European Union level, although the possibility of having a comprehensive legal framework dealing with cyber crimes was not a far stretched idea owing to the cooperation at the Union level, however, this idea was not considered until the late 1990s.

Taking into account the growing incidents of cyber crimes, their peculiar nature, and the essential element of international cooperation in this regard, a series of initiatives were taken at the EU level in the form of recommendations and Council conclusions. This was followed by the first legislative proposal by the Commission in early 1998 to deal with certain aspects of computer crimes, i.e. credit card frauds and forgery of non-cash means of payment. However, it was only in May 2001 that the Framework Decision on Combating Fraud and Counterfeiting of Non-Cash Means of Payment was adopted.[1]

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During the same time, the Council of Europe was taking a number of steps and engaging in negotiations, in collaboration with the G8 countries, USA, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and Russia, with respect to judicial cooperation in this field.  As a result, an agreement was reached in 1997 pertaining to an action plan to combat high-tech and computer-related crimes. One of the action plan’s initiatives is the 24/7 network of law enforcement contact points to combat cybercrime, which is now a part of the current legal framework at the EU level. This network furthers the objective of international cooperation, specifically with respect to the investigation of cybercrimes.

In October 1999, the G8 met again as a follow-up measure of the action plan. This follow-up concluded that the biggest roadblock in combating computer crimes is the identification and tracking of criminals in cyberspace. To overcome this roadblock, many principles were adopted to ensure transnational access to data, simplified mutual assistance, and general permission to access publicly available material in another state without express permission. These principles now form the basis of the current legal regime at the EU level[2].

Meanwhile, the European Committee on Crime Problems[3] (CDPC) decided to set up a committee of experts to deal with cyber-crime in November 1996. Subsequently, the Report submitted by Professor H.W.K. Kaspersen concluded that “it should be looked to another legal instrument with more engagement than a Recommendation, such as a Convention. Such a Convention should not only deal with criminal substantive law matters but also with criminal procedural questions as well as with international criminal law procedures and agreements”.[4]

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Taking into account the Report submitted to the CDPC, the Council of Europe was successful in formulating the Convention on Cybercrime[5], with an aim to bring minimum harmonization in the acts termed as ‘cybercrime’ in the Member States of the EU.

The Explanatory Report of the Cybercrime Convention highlights the changing nature of crimes and the subsequent need to develop a legal framework to prosecute such crimes exclusively. It states that-

The technological developments have given rise to unprecedented economic and social changes, but they also have a dark side: the emergence of new types of crime as well as the commission of traditional crimes by means of new technologies.[6] Criminals are increasingly located in places other than where their acts produce their effects. However, domestic laws are generally confined to a specific territory. Thus, solutions to the problems posed must be addressed by international law, necessitating the adoption of adequate international legal instruments”.[7]

The Convention on Cybercrime adopts a holistic approach in dealing with both substantive and procedural aspects[8] of cybercrimes at the EU level. Section 1 of Chapter II covers both criminalization provisions and other connected provisions in the area of computer or computer-related crime by defining nine offences (illegal access, illegal interception, data interference, system interference, misuse of devices, computer-related forgery, computer-related fraud, offences related to child pornography and offences related to copyright and neighbouring rights) grouped into four different categories (offences against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems, computer-related offences, content-related offences and offences related to copyright and neighbouring rights)[9]. It further deals with ancillary liability and sanctions[10].

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Furthermore, the Convention also contains provisions for traditional as well as computer crime-related mutual assistance and extradition.[11] It also provides for transborder access to stored computer data without mutual assistance, either with consent or without consent, in the case of publicly available data. It also provides for the setting up of a 24/7 network to ensure speedy assistance among the Parties.

Lastly, at the Union level, to address the issue of cooperation at, the Union level, the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) was established in 2004. ENISA was given the responsibility to develop expertise to enhance cooperation between public and private sectors and provide assistance to the Commission and Member States of the EU in their dialogue with industry for the purpose of addressing security-related problems in hardware and software products. It was also required to promote risk assessment activities as well as interoperable risk management routines.[12]

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[1] EUR-Lex, (last visited May 3, 2021).

[2] These principles can now also be found in the Cybercrime Convention.

[3] Decision CDPC/103/211196.

[4] Salaheddin J. Juneidi, Council of Europe Convention on Cyber Crime, IPICS (2002).

[5] The Cybercrime Convention.

[6] Explanatory Report to the Cybercrime Convention, part I(5).

[7] Explanatory Report to the Cybercrime Convention, part I(6).

[8] Supra note 29, chapter II, § 2.

[9] Supra note 29, chapter II, § 1.

[10] Supra note 29, chapter II, §1, title 5.

[11] Supra note 29, art. 25.

[12] ENISA, (last visited May 6, 2021).


Rule Of Law in Globalising World

The concept of rule of law finds its origin in the rulings of Chief Justice Sir Edward Coke[1] wherein he emphasised the significance of the King being under the law. However, it was only later that A. V. Dicey in his book: Introduction to the study of the Law of the Constitution, 1885[2], tried developing the concept further. He identified three components of the rule of law[3]

  1. The supremacy of law
  2. Equality before law
  • Constitution as a result of ordinary law of the land (signifying the relevance of judge-made laws in England)

These components ensured that the rule of law acted as a constraint on the arbitrary exercise of power by the sovereign over its subjects. Therefore, his primary focus was on the way in which the law was made, applied, and enforced (process-focused approach), rather than the actual content of the law (end-focussed approach). This creates a lot of confusion with respect to the applicability of the rule of law. Modern democracies are founded on this principle, however, there are contrasting convictions about what ‘law’ is/should be.

Previously, the concept of rule of law was limited in its application to the sovereign territory of the state as the interactions were primarily intranational. However, over a period of time, with the advent of technology and the movement of people, goods and services across borders, such interaction became international, leading to cross-border disputes. Through the process of globalization, “political, economic, and technological changes have had globalizing ramifications that penetrate state borders in ways that transformed the core rule of law values in the international legal order and have created a shift away from the previously prevailing state-centric system.”[4]

With respect to the applicability of rule of law at the international level, globalisation has made the world one single market where individual and state entities interact with other individuals and entities on a daily basis. Therefore, such interaction cannot be left unchecked with respect to the foundation principle of the legal system i.e. the rule of law. Hence, there is a need to transpose the principle of rule of law, internationally, in light of the globalized world. The significance of rule of law at the international level in the era of globalisation has been pointed out a number of times[5].

However, this transposition is easier said than done. There are some inherent issues in applying the principle globally. Firstly, with respect to whether such a principle, which was originally developed to be applicable to the national legal system, can be applied to the international legal system, in the absence of a central sovereign authority. Secondly, if the answer to the first issue is affirmative, does such international application require a reconceptualization of the original concept of rule of law in order to adapt it to the legal issues arising at the international level. Thirdly, should the international rule of law be limited in its application with respect to the relationship of different sovereign nation-states, or should it also be applied to the relationship of different individuals who are subjects of such nation-states?

The first roadblock towards the applicability of the principle of rule of law in the globalised world today encompasses the fact that there is no common sovereign power in the international arena. There is United Nations, however, the international law establishing such an institution, is a soft law in itself. Besides, it is left to the discretion of the nation-states to decide whether they wish to be a part of the U.N. Since there is no common sovereign, it is often contented by scholars that the rule of law cannot meaningfully exist in the international arena.[6] This further entails the difficulty in ascertaining what constitutes “law” in the international context since there is no “one” sovereign, and no “one” law regulating the conduct of individual nation-states.

Secondly, the Dicean concept of rule of law highlights a very narrow and process-focused approach. Such a framework will not satisfy the end objective of rule of law at the international level, with respect to acting as a constraint against the gross violation of the fundamental human rights of the individuals by the sovereign states. Therefore, the rule of law, when transposed to the international level, should not only be process-oriented but also end-oriented.

However, the nation-states, in light of the growing interaction in the globalized world and the common aim to attain international peace and order, have taken the necessary steps to address these roadblocks in the applicability of the principle internationally[7]. Globalization has a significant contribution to the development of both domestic and international legal frameworks governing and regulating transnational transactions and activities. This has led to the development of international institutions tasked with the implementation of international law to secure peace, order and respect for basic human rights in the international community.

In today’s world, however, the significance of the rule of law stretches far beyond its application to traditional inter-state relations. The second aspect of the rule of law at the international level is the increasing attention of the international community on the impact of the international rule of law on individuals, with respect to the need to protect the inalienable human rights of the individuals. The international humanitarian law and human rights law has ensured that the basic human rights of the “individuals” are brought at the centre stage[8], and that every nation-state is obligated to protect them. These developments have placed legal constraints on the conduct of sovereign states in the international community and prescribed international standards which ensure that substantive aspects of justice are also catered to, at the global level.

However, this individual-focused approach to rule of law at the international level is being implemented at the domestic level, by making the domestic legal system in line with the international standards. In light of this, it is important to keep a check on the discretion provided to the national legal system regarding the substantive rules as rule of law cannot be considered effective in its true essence if the laws are unjust and oppressive.


[1] LTJ, (last visited Feb. 1, 2021).


[3] Id.

[4] Ruti G. Teitel, Humanity’s Law: Rule of Law for the New Global Politics, 35 CORNELL INT’L L.J. 355, 357 (2002).

[5] The Rio +20 Conference on Sustainable Development Outcome Document, 2012; UN Millennium Development Goals etc.

[6] Charles Sampford, Reconceiving the Rule of Law for a Globalizing World, GLOBALISATION AND THE RULE OF LAW 9, 10 (2005).

[7] UDHR, ICCPR, ICESCR, Convention against Terrorism, Human Trafficking etc.

[8] United Nations Human Rights Committee, the International Criminal Tribunals (ICTY, ICTR), and the International Criminal Court (ICC) etc.


Analysis of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Laws in USA, UK and UAE

By: Anant Tyagi

Earlier, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy law was not very clear in UAE and was very divided into various areas, resulting in complexity and confusion. After 2016 the new bankruptcy law has been created with the strong base to resolve any insolvency issues that the businesses face to protect. The bankruptcy law 2016 was established under commercial companies law to aid enterprises to which range under the small and medium-sized companies based in UAE and are facing economic challenges. The features of the bankruptcy law are as follows:

  1. Financial Recognition

The act aims to boost the concept of Financial restructuring by establishing a regulatory body known as the committee of financial reconstructing. A list will approve this particular committee’s role of experts who are well-versed in bankruptcy and financial reorganization to carry on the task.

  1. Composition

Under the new bankruptcy law, composition approaches are also available to assist the debtor in settling with the creditor. It is up to the creditors to accept the settlement or any part payment. For this arrangement to be possible, a condition must be fulfilled, stating that a debtor must not have stopped payment for more than 30 consecutive days. When the debtor makes an offer of composition, it is submitted to the court, which appoints an expert to analyze whether the composition of finance is sufficient or not.

If the offer of competition is accepted, the court will select an official in charge who will prepare a record of debtor’s creditors to submit to a court. Any composition has to be passed by most creators, which is equal to two-thirds of the debt and equally approved by the court.

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  1. Restructuring and bankruptcy

This particular part of biography law 2016 deals with the restructuring process by aiding the debtors in applying for affection plan for a bankrupt business. It also provides for declaring the bankruptcy to fulfil the obligations. Either of debtor or creditor can request for the commencement of the bankruptcy process. It is required that bankruptcy should be declared within 30 days by the debtor.

When the court accepts the application, the official is selected for selling and reconstruction of business. Insolvency and bankruptcy code process of liquidation starts, the secured creditors are given more preference in the rank than ordinary creditors.

  1. Bounced cheques

Under the UAE law, any non-UAE national person signatory to a bounced cheque faces potential criminal liability. Similarly, in bankruptcy law penal provisions are to be stopped if it is proven that specified check was issued before the commencement of composition/ restructuring. The cheque amount will be added to the total debt of the debtor.

  1. Penalties

The complaint of the new bankruptcy law 2016 has to be backed by a variety of available penalties. The penalty aims to provide both imprisonment and substantial financial fines.

With the help of the new bankruptcy law that gives ample options to bypass bankruptcy, which earlier had a severe penalty for companies going through a bankruptcy is a welcome step in insolvency and bankruptcy. The new is debtor-friendly and provides a way for the companies to repay their debts while continuing the business instead of the older laws that forced companies to shut their operations completely whenever any financial difficulty arose. This law will encourage companies from around the world to enter the UAE market.

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“A new law called corporate information insolvency, and governance act 2020 has been introduced by the United Kingdom with major reforms like “free-standing moratorium” and New Restructure plans. Under the new law, free-standing Moratorium will aid the companies to take shelter from creditor’s action. Under the insolvency and bankruptcy code 2016, whenever a company goes into the Moratorium period, distributor action save the company is not predetermined. Under the new law, free-standing Moratorium will ensure that a company can choose the company’s rescuing. The company is not forced to stick to the formal process, but if there is an informal process to rescue the company, it can even be used. Moratorium period is time-based to ensure that no misuse is taking place and the Moratorium is cancelled if it is final that a company cannot be rescued.” [1]

“Another form that has been introduced under the CIGA is the restructuring plan. The act had introduced a process in which the restructuring plan between the company and creditor required the creditors to vote and sanction the court. However, the cross-class cram-down method has been mentioned that states that the court has the power to give a plan sanction, it requires even if the majority of the class is against it.” [2]A restructuring plan can be approved by the court even if all the creditors are against it if the court feels that the creditors would not be worse off with the suggested Restructure plan than when no Restructure plan was approved.

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The cross-class cram-down method’s possible effect is that the companies will have more flexibility whenever they are proceeding with the restructuring plan even in those situations where the consent of all creditor classes cannot be obtained. But this method also has its challenges because it is mentioned that the court can overrule the descending creditors and sanction the plan if they feel that under the proposed restructuring plan they would not be worse off if no restructuring plan was approved. It burdens court with the responsibility of doing valuations, which is very contentious because a market valuation keeps changing according to the market forces. With the new covid crisis, it will be very problematic for the courts to assume the economic market’s evaluation and outcomes.

One of the significant reforms is that earlier whenever the company was going through financial difficulties and bankruptcy process, the company’s supplier would always seek to get out of the contractual obligation and sever ties with the company rendering the company without any support. The present act will now prohibit the supplier from terminating the contract with the company when it goes into the restructuring plan. The company can focus on paying back their debts and keeping ongoing their business instead of just closing everything down.

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The United States of America constitution has provided the US Congress with the power and authority to enact the laws of bankruptcy in the country. While exercising their power and discretion, the lawmakers passed the bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978 which has largely governed the country’s current bankruptcy law’s bankruptcy issues. The United States bankruptcy code is also referred to as tight 11. It contains the business and individuals’ procedure and practices to follow whenever they are filing for the bankruptcy under the United States Bankruptcy court. Under the US bankruptcy code, both companies and the individuals are allowed to file a bankruptcy petition and seek relief. The most common form of bankruptcy in the United States is mentioned in chapter 7, which also covers the liquidation process. The court appoints the trustee, and the trustee must collect all the non-exempt assets of the debtor.

When the creditors come to know about the company’s condition, it will force a company to file for bankruptcy. Still, apart from the UK and UAE law, the day the petition of bankruptcy is filed in the court, the business will cease to exist. It is up to the court-appointed trustee whether he allows certain operations of the company or not. When it comes to large companies, the trustee may decide to sell the company’s property loss-making division to another flourishing company. The preference is given to the secured creditors, usually the first ones to be paid back. As mentioned before, the US bankruptcy law provides for companies to file bankruptcy and offers individuals to file for liquidation in which they are allowed to keep specific exam properties, but it varies from state to state. The trustee will sell the other assets which are not under the exempt class to pay back the creditors. In the 2005 bankruptcy abuse prevention and Consumer Protection Act, an amendment was made that barred consumer debtors filing bankruptcy because it was felt that this provision would be misused by the credit card companies from losses, resulting in the customers going bankrupt. The act also provides for cross border insolvency state code incorporate with foreign courts to solve cross border insolvency cases. United States of America’s bankruptcy code is one of the oldest coats and is still prevalent without any new law being drafted in present time.

As we can see that the UAE bankruptcy laws for very old and had regressive laws with penal provisions which decided the companies from investing in UAE or any running companies in the UAE. Still, with the new law, they have provided a well-defined process to form restructure plans while running the business remove regressive penal punishments which is a welcome step and encourages the companies to continue their business while also returning the amount in debt instead of just punishing the people running the company and suffering Loss which is the ultimate goal of insolvency and bankruptcy laws.

“On the other hand, the United Kingdom has also introduced a new law for the information c and governance by giving major reforms like a free-standing moratorium that gives the company the freehand to determine the course of action which helps to rescue the company instead of just following the formal procedures and not getting any result. The UK has also given major power to the court to bypass the creditor’s Ascent for the restructure plan in case a court feels that this is the best records available for the company and is being blocked by the creditors for their greed of larger returns which will further worsen the situation.” [3] Meta reforms have also been provided by the act to ensure that the business does not close down and keep ongoing.

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The bankruptcy code of The United States of America probably the oldest but the most reliable piece of legislation for dealing with insolvency but no significant amendments in the laws has made it behind the other laws. While the other laws understand the concept that that can only be paid when the company keeps on running the US law focuses on shutting down the company the day the petition of bankruptcy is filed which is a very regressive step because are not only the chances of getting the debt go down but also the economy suffers when the company closes down and incoming times the US government has to bring amendments to resolve this issue.

[1] corporate information insolvency and governance act 2020 by Andrew Mills and Paul Durban

[2] Pricewaterhouse coopers guide on UK Insolvency and Bankruptcy reforms

[3] Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978

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Analysis of Cyber Laws in UAE, Australia And China

By: Apoorva B N


In the modern swift- moving world, computers and internet are no more a privilege. Internet facilities have become a necessity as it is the par on course for any individual’s life today. Today, we have achieved so many advancements in the technological arena that it is next to impossible to even imagine our lives without computers or the internet. Now that internet has made its way to almost every aspect of human life, along with its blessings are its share of dangers and threats that haunt individuals today. In order to regulate the use of internet and everything that comes with it, ‘Cyber law’ emerged as a necessary facet of law. Cyber law deals with disputes arising in the internet domain, including matters like data protection, privacy concerns, identity left, electronic signatures, information technology and security. As information technology is looking at advancements taking place at a rapid rate, law regarding its regulation also needs to be updated at the same rate. In India, the main legislation that seeks to regulate information technology and related aspects is the Information Technology Act, 2000. Various amendments are being made to this legislation from time to time to be on par with the technological advancements that are taking place in the IT field. Similarly, this article aims to get an understanding and a brief analysis of the cyber laws of other jurisdictions like UAE, Australia and China.


Technological advancement is one of the most important factors contributing to a country’s economy. It also brings about modern rapid changes to the social lives of the individuals. Advancement in technology and science brings about rapid growth in employment opportunities thereby increasing the GDP of the country that enriches the economy as a whole. Information Technology is the study and use of computer systems to store, retrieve and send information.[1] In order to regulate information technology, especially facets of it including internet law, information and digital security, IT law or cyber law has emerged as a necessary aspect of law.

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UAE is said to be the most digitally advanced Arab country. It had also made its place in the top 20 digital economies in 2018[2]. In 2017, two breakthrough digital initiatives, the Dubai Internet of Things (IoT) Strategy and the Digital Wealth Initiative, were launched[3]. Securing an important position in the word for being digitally advanced, UAE has its own set of cyber security laws for the regulation of the cyber threats and like offences that form a part of any technological advancement. Therefore, the UAE has a comprehensive legislation on cyber laws called the ‘Cyber Crimes Law 2012’ (UAE-Law No. 5 of 2012)[4]. Few of the important offences and penalties that are covered under this legislation are—

  • Promoting or publishing pornographic material or indecent act and gambling activities.
  • Publishing of others information and photos on internet
  • Violating others privacy by eavesdropping and publishing the information using the social media
  • Human Trafficking
  • Data Forgery of prohibitive data
  • Unauthorized use and interception of computer services

Penalties for imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years and a fine up to 200,000 AED.

The National Electronic Security Authority (‘NESA’) implements the Cyber Law and regulates the protection of communications networks and information systems in the UAE.[5] The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (‘TRA’) was established by the Telecommunications Law to supervise the telecommunications division in the UAE. The TRA set up the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) to advance the standards of information security and protect the IT set-up.

Information Security Regulation (ISR) standards from Dubai Smart Government mandates government entities in Dubai to implement requirements and controls stated in the standard to ensure appropriate level of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information assets.[6]

These were the key features of the Cyber law infrastructure in the UAE.

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The legislations that deal with cyber and Information technology laws in Australia are as follows[7]

  1. Australian Privacy Principles (APP): It is an amendment made to the Privacy Act, 1983 including various other amendments like—
  • The Privacy and data protection Acts, 2014-Victoria ;
  • Privacy and data protection Act, 1998– New south Wales;
  • Privacy and information Act, 2009– Queensland;
  • Personal information Privacy Act, 2004– Tasmania;
  • Information privacy Act, 2014– Australian capital territory;
  • Information Act, 2002– Northern territory.
  1. The Cybercrime Act, 1995: In August 2012, the Government passed the Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Act 2012(Cth) (CLAA). The purpose of the CLAA was to empower Australia to assent to the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime (Cybercrime Convention), the only international treaty on cybercrime. The Cyber Crime Act, 1995 was very much based on the international convention on cybercrime and it contains various offences relating to the unauthorised access, modification, or impairment of data and restricted data (sections 477.1, 477.2 and 478.1 of the Criminal Code).
  2. TELECOMMUNICATION ACT, 1997—The main objective of this legislation is to protect the privacy of individuals who use Australian telecommunication systems related to real time communications.[8]

These were the key Cyber law legislations of Australia and their objectives.

When it comes to high tech crime or cybercrimes of national importance, the accountability of investigation and response is conferred to Australian Federal Police (AFP). They possess jurisdiction over cases of cybercrime concerning online frauds affecting any governmental institution. Their jurisdiction further ranges to the investigation of cases related to virtual child sex harassment and exploitation, child protection and tourist child sex offenders.[9]

The Director of Public Prosecutions prosecutes on violations relating to unauthorised admission to data, damage caused to electronic communication and use of carriage services to harass or cause a wrongdoing, within sections 478.1(1), 477.3(1) and 474.17 of the Criminal Code (Cth).[10]

The New South Wales Police are conferred with powers to investigate and prosecute online fraudsters in offences in areas like internet banking, mobile banking, phishing, mule recruitment, shopping and auction site fraud, scams, spam and identity theft, child sexual exploitation and cyber bullying offences.[11]

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The Chinese Government has always laid emphasis on the advancement in science and technology. Their innovation model includes huge projects in areas like Nano Technology, biotechnology, aircrafts, high-end generic microchips etc. Cybersecurity law of the People’s Republic of China was enacted by the e Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on November 7, 2016 and was enforced on June 1, 2017. The key features of the cyber law of China are as under[12]

  1. Security obligations of ISPs
  2. Rules for the transnational transmission of data at critical information infrastructure
  3. Rules for personal information protection
  4. Principle of cyberspace sovereignty

It also provides intricate rules and definitions on legal liability for various unlawful conducts, and sets a range of punishments like fines, suspension for modification, withdrawal of licenses and commercial licenses among others. The law therefore enforces cybersecurity and administrative authorities with powers and duties to implement the law against illegal activities.

Relevant cases in China[13]

Sina Weibo v. Maimai (2016) was the first unfair competition case concerning big data analytics in China. The central issue for the court to decide was whether the alleged “unauthorized collection and use of data” and its related activities constitute unfair competition under the Anti- Unfair Competition Law. The case is a landmark decision to address one of the important questions on competition for data resources in the internet industry: to what extent data scraping (both personal data and other data) targeting a competitor could be potentially caught by the rules of unfair competition.

Tencent v. Douyin (2019) – case concerning the ownership of users’ ID, nicknames and profile pictures.

Facts: Douyin had entered into a Developer Agreement with WeChat and QQ platforms, and had access to users’ WeChat and QQ IDs, nicknames and profile pictures. Douyin had shared those data with Duoshan, a social networking product run by its affiliate. WeChat and QQ platforms claimed that the unauthorized use of IDs, nicknames and profile pictures of their users constitute unfair competition. The court granted a temporary injunction restraining Douyin from using those user data until the date of final judgment. It remains to be seen whether the court would consider the case following the same logic of the Maimai case.

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We can therefore conclude on being able to have understood the meaning and importance of information technology and how it has become an inevitable and a significant aspect of human life today. We also understood the IT laws or cyber laws that are codified in various jurisdiction across the world, like UAE, Australia and China. By the above stated information, it is safe for us to conclude that among the countries whose cyber laws have been discussed in this article, China appears to be the most technologically advanced country thereby making it better equipped in IT or cyber laws to regulate the threats that will be posed with technological advancements. Secondly, UAE is also seen to have been making efforts and taking efficient steps to get their IT or Cyber law infrastructure well- equipped. Australia appears to be relatively backward in terms of technological advancements in comparison with China and UAE. But Australia’s latest technological advancements have given rise to good legal backing by way of the cyber law legislation of the country.

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[3] Ibid.

[4] BASSAM ZA’ZA’, ‘UNDERSTANDING UAE’S CYBERCRIME LAW AND PENALTIES’, GOING OUT, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 07:00,,and%20seriousness%20of%20the%20cybercrime.

[5] IBID.



[8] “Cybercrime Laws in Australia.” 11 2018. All Answers Ltd. 12 2020



[11] Ibid.

[12] LAUREN MARANTO, ‘WHO BENEFITS FROM CHINA’S CYBERSECURITY LAWS?’, CSIS,,for%20China’s%20present%20day%20guidelines.&text=The%20law%20requires%20that%20data,to%20government%2Dconducted%20security%20checks.

[13] Recent privacy case law update in China, Dentons, file:///C:/Users/Apoorva%20Narendranath/Downloads/8b0990bc-f987-428d-b3c1-4eea30fbce82.pdf


Analysis of Banking and Investment Laws in USA, UK and UAE

By: Manas Maheshwari 


Banks are the most important element of the Financial System of any country. The Economic Development Indicator depends on the efficacy and efficiency of the banking system prevailing in that particular country. The core function of Bank is to accept deposits and lend money thereby acting as an intermediary between depositors and borrowers. The income of  Bank is difference between rate of interest charged to the borrowers and the rate of interest paid to the depositors. This is the traditional function of Banks. In modern times like now, Banks including Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) perform various other value added services to its customers like foreign exchange transactions, providing distinct types of loans other than business loans such as car loans, home loans, education loans etc. , advisory and consultancy services, hire purchase financing, insurance services and many more. The Banking is not limited to the Commercial Banking operations alone. It has widened its limits and has reached the stage where the Investment Bank’s role in the economic development has come into play. The Investment Bank performs dual functions like acting as an underwriter, book manager to the issue, merchant banker, registrar in primary securities market from side of the corporate issuer. The Investment Bank also advises the clients mainly, Institutional Investors about the Buy and Sell side functions. The role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) also comes into play when the commercial operations has been globalized and particularly when the capital is not at abundance.

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Analysis of Banking and Investment Laws in UAE

As per the Doing Business Report 2020[1] published by the World Bank, the United Arab Emirates is ranked 16th out of 190 countries. This shows that UAE is gradually becoming  business and financial centric attracting a host of global banks corporate to set up their operations.

Currently, there are three types of Banks operating within UAE. These are:

  1. Commercial Banks;
  2. Islamic Banks and
  3. Foreign Banks.

The Islamic Banks are regulated by the Shariah principles as opposed to the commercial banks leading to many operational differences between the two. The popular banks currently operating in UAE are Emirates NBD, National Bank of Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, First Gulf Bank and Dubai Islamic Bank.

The UAE Central Bank is the primary regulator for Banking and Financial Services in UAE. Apart from Central Bank, there are various other regulatory bodies namely:

  1. The Insurance Authority (“IA”);
  2. The Securities and Commodities Authority (“SCA”);
  3. Dubai Financial Services Authority (“DFSA”) and
  4. Abu Dhabi Global Market (“ADGM”).

The Regulatory authorities functioning within the federal level are the Central Bank, IA and SCA and those functioning within the emirate level are DFSA (operates within the Dubai International Financial Centre) and ADGM (operating within Abu Dhabi).

The Federal Law No. 10 of 1980[2] governs the Central Bank, the Monetary System and Organization of Banking. The Islamic Banks, Financial Institutions and Investment Companies are governed by Federal Law No. 6 of 1985[3]. The Decretal Federal Law No. 14 of 2018[4] covers the subject of Central Banks and Organization of Financial Institution and their activities. The SCA is governed by Federal Law No. 4 of 2000[5] and issues regulations from time to time which the companies operating in the securities market has to comply with. The IA regulates the Insurance sector in UAE in accordance with Federal Law No. 6 of 2007[6].

The DIFC, being an international Financial hub offers very vibrant environment w.r.t Commercial Banking and Investment Banking services. The laws related to this area of business are:

  1. Companies Law[7];
  2. Electronic Transactions Law[8];
  3. Insolvency Law[9] and
  4. Law of Security[10].

The Financial Collateral Regulations[11], Insolvency Insurers Regulations[12], Security Regulations[13] and Investment Companies Regulations[14] has been amended from time to time by DIFC.

The Central Bank of UAE issues licenses to foreign banks for operating in UAE as per the law that governs the domestic bank licensing. The Investment Banks cannot accept deposits whose maturity period is less than two years with some exceptions and these banks are licensed as per the relevant law[15]. The Islamic Banks can carry all types of Banking, Financial and Investment services and operations as per the relevant federal law.

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Only authorized Institutions and Companies incorporated as per the Commercial Companies Law are licensed to act as moneychangers[16]. In respect of Financial Intermediaries involved in sale and purchase of stocks and bonds and in money market transactions, only UAE citizen in respect of natural person can act as an intermediary[17]. The responsibility for licensing brokers and intermediaries fall upon SCA in respect of shares and Central Bank in case of currency and commodities.

The Investment Companies as per the resolution[18] adopted by Board of Directors of Central Bank is involved in following businesses:

  1. Managing Portfolios;
  2. Preparing Allotment;
  3. Managing Investment Trust funds and
  4. Acting as a Trustee for managing funds on behalf of Beneficiary.

The Finance Companies undertake the following activities according to the resolution[19] adopted:

  1. Loans and Advances;
  2. Issuing credit guarantee and
  3. Issue of securities such as stocks, bonds, debt etc.

The Laws and Regulations governing Foreign Exchange are:

  1. Anti-Money laundering legislation[20] by Central Bank (To Register Hawala Providers);
  2. Anti-Money Laundering/Anti-Terrorist Financing Regulations[21] by DIFC and
  3. Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism[22] by DMCC.

In the midst of Covid-19 pandemic, the Central Bank of UAE have taken various measures relating to rescheduling loan payments, reducing charges for customers, deferring loan installments, encouraging customers to adopt digital banking services, to boost lending capacity of banks and to provide temporary relief to private sector and retail customers affected by Covid-19 pandemic and directed all banks to carry out sanitization of ATMs on regular basis[23].

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Analysis of Banking and Investment Laws of UK

As per the Doing Business Report 2020[24] published by World Bank, United Kingdom is ranked 8th out of 190 countries. This establishes the fact that UK Laws and Regulations are business friendly.

Most of the UK laws partakes its character from European laws and regulations. The Primary framework for regulating Banking, Financial Services and Insurance sector in UK is Financial Services and Markets Act 2000[25] (“FSMA”). Apart from this, there are various domestic rules and regulations derived from secondary sources.

The principal regulators for Banks are:

  1. Bank of England (“BOE”);
  2. Prudential Regulation Authority (“PRA”), a division of BOE and
  3. Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”).

The BOE performs a statutory duty exercising its powers in the matter of resolution of Banks if a Bank is declared insolvent. The Financial Policy Committee (“FPC”) of BOE performs macro-supervision over Banking and Financial Sector. The Payments System is regulated by a Payment Systems Regulator and the issuance of Electronic Money is regulated by FCA.

The Primary function of PRA is to supervise the Banking and Insurance Companies[26]. The PRA also ensures proper mechanism of infrastructure in place for performing Banking related functions. It develops strategies in cooperation with the Companies to counter the crisis like situations. The PRA helps in ensuring a sound financial system is in place.

Till 2013, the Financial Services Authority (“FSA”) was the principal regulator for Banking and Financial Services industry. After 2013, the responsibility was divided between PRA and FCA.

The PRA and FCA are different entities working together and having a common aim. The FCA is responsible for ensuring fairness in the Financial Markets. It helps in ensuring a fair outcome for the consumers. The primary objectives[27] of FCA are:

  1. To protect the consumers;
  2. To protect the Financial Markets;
  3. To promote competition and
  4. To work in coordination with consumer groups, trade associations, professional bodies and other stakeholders.

The FCA is an independent public body and the main source of its income is the fees which it charges from its customers. The FCA is accountable to the Parliament and Treasury.

The activities that are regulated under the Banking and Financial sector are incorporated in the Financial and Markets Act (Regulated Activities) Order 2001[28] (“RAO”). Regulated Activities covers the following aspects:

  1. Accepting Deposits;
  2. Securities and Derivatives Business;
  3. Transactions in Investments;
  4. Insurance Activities;
  5. Mortgage Contracts and
  6. Consumer Credit.

In the wake of the global financial crisis in 2008, the UK economy went into a sharp recession. This was the time when the concept of Bank Ring-Fencing was developed. Under this concept, the retail banking services of the Bank were separated from the other services that the Bank offered and were prioritized. The Bank Ring Fencing helps in protecting the consumer banking services from the unexpected events which leads to global financial crisis like situations.

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (“FSCS”) is a deposit insurance scheme which protects the consumers of the firms in financial sector that have failed.

The Consumer credit in UK is mainly regulated by Consumer Credit Act, 1974[29]. The Act regulates the following aspects:

  1. Credit card purchases;
  2. Credit agreements and
  3. Credit advertising.

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The Banking Resolution aspect is incorporated in the Banking Act 2009[30]. The Bank of England is the UK’s Banking Resolution Authority. The Resolution regime is governed by the Bank of England’s approach to Resolution. This Resolution regime does not apply to the credit unions. The depositors of credit unions are paid out by FSCS up to a maximum limit of 85,000 pounds per credit union[31].

Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the FCA has also reviewed the disaster recovery plans in order to ensure that all the regulations have been complied with[32]. The UK’s exit from the European Union will also have a substantial impact on the Banking and Financial Sector.

Analysis of Banking and Investment Laws in USA

USA has a dual banking system put in place. Both the Federal Banks and State-Chartered Banks are operating in USA. The following categories of Banks are operating in USA:

  1. National Banks;
  2. State-Member Banks;
  3. State non-member Banks;
  4. Foreign Banks;
  5. Private banks;
  6. Industrial Banks and
  7. Trust Companies.

The Banks are required to obtain a charter before accepting deposits and continuing business[33].

The Primary Regulatory Authority for keeping a regulatory oversight over the Banking operation in US is the Federal Reserve System (“Fed”). The Federal Reserve System, being the Central Bank of USA is the primary supervisory authority over Bank Holding Companies, Financial Holding Companies, State Chartered Banks, Savings and Loan Holding Companies. The Federal Reserve is equipped with the following powers:

  1. Remove officers of Banking Companies;
  2. Imposing penalty and fines;
  3. Revoking Bank membership and
  4. Terminating activities of Banks.

The main functions[34] performed by Fed are:

  1. Formulate monetary policy;
  2. Stabilizing the financial system;
  3. Administering the payment and settlement system and
  4. Promoting the consumer awareness and community development.

Besides the Federal Reserve, other regulatory bodies operating in USA are:

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (“OCC”): The OCC[35] is the primary supervisory authority having oversight over National Banks, Saving Banks and Foreign Banks having branches at federal level. The OCC is an independent unit of the Department of Treasury. It helps in ensuring that the Banks are accountable to customers and comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation[36] (“FDIC”): It is an independent agency created to instill the confidence among the general public in the financial system. It insures deposits and supervises the state-chartered Banks. The responsibility of FDIC also lies in administering the deposit insurance fund and managing receiverships.

State Banking Agencies: The State Banking Agencies are responsible for supervising the banks operating at state level. The functions of this agency varies from state to state. Some common functions performed by these agencies are:

  1. Issuing Bank charters;
  2. Conducting examinations at Bank and
  3. Enforcing regulations and levying fines.

Some other important regulators[37] for Banking and Financial oversight are:

  1. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network;
  2. Federal Trade Commission and
  3. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) is the primary regulator of Securities Market in USA. The primary objective of SEC is to protect the investors, develop efficiency in the securities market and to address investor grievances.

The derivative market in USA is regulated by Commodity Futures Trading Corporation (“CFTC”). The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (“NAIC”) is a regulatory organization governed by chief insurance regulators of the respective states. The Insurance Laws are enacted by the respective state legislature under which insurance regulators operate. The legislations related to Banking in USA are:

National Bank Act of 1864[38]: This act performs the functions relating to establishing national banks, creating uniform national currency and establishing OCC.

Federal Reserve Act of 1913[39]: This act established the Federal Reserve System as the Central Bank of USA. The act sets out the framework for the operation of Fed and ensuring stable monetary and financial system.

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Federal Credit Union Act[40]: This act establishes the National Credit Union Administration for governing the credit unions.

Federal Deposit Insurance Act[41]: This act establishes the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which will insure the deposits of all banks and saving associations. The FDIC is the primary regulator for state non-member banks.

Bank Holding Company Act of 1956[42]: This act gives enhanced powers to Federal Reserve by regulating the Bank Holding Companies.

International Banking Act of 1978[43]: This act brings foreign banks at par with the domestic Banks w.r.t regulations, capital requirements etc.

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act[44] was adopted in 1999 for providing affiliation of Banks, securities firms and for safeguarding the personal sensitive data of the customers.

The Dodd-Frank act[45] of 2010 is a comprehensive set of regulations governing financial services borne out of great recession of 2008. The Act performs following functions[46]:

  1. Protecting consumers against any abusive lending and mortgages by Banks;
  2. Overseeing non-banking hedge funds;
  3. Establishing financial stability oversight council;
  4. Orderly shutdown of Banks if it becomes insolvent and
  5. Creating Volcker’s Rule which prohibits banks from owning hedge funds for their own purpose.

Besides these important acts some other important acts such as Bank Secrecy Act[47], Patriot Act[48] etc.

According to Doing Business Report 2020[49] published by World Bank Group, the United States of America is ranked 6th out of 190 countries. The Banking and Investment related laws in USA are quite business friendly and amended from time to time in response to the latest developments.


[1] The World Bank, Ease of Doing Business Rankings, Link.

[2] Union Law No. (10) of 1980.

[3] Federal Law No. (6) of 1985.

[4] Decretal Federal Law No. (14) of 2018.

[5] Federal Law No. (4) of 2000.

[6] Federal Law No. (6) of 2007.

[7] DIFC Law No. 5 of 2018.

[8] DIFC Law No. 2 of 2017.

[9] DIFC Law No. 1 of 2019.

[10] DIFC Law No. 8 of 2005.

[11] DIFC Financial Collateral Regulations, November 01, 2019.

[12] DIFC Insolvency (Insurers) Regulations, September 29, 2008.

[13] DIFC Securities Regulations, November 01, 2019.

[14] DIFC Investment Companies Regulations, November 12, 2018.

[15] UAE Central Bank, Banking, Link.

[16] UAE Central Bank, Banking, Link.

[17] UAE Central Bank, Banking, Link.

[18] Resolution No. 164/8/94 dated 18 April 1995.

[19] Resolution No. 58/3/96 dated 14 April 1996 and Resolution No. 165/06/2004 dated 6 December 2004.

[20] Central Bank of UAE, Anti-Money laundering legislation,  Link.

[21] DIFC Non-Financial Anti Money Laundering/Anti-Terrorist Financing (AML/CFT) Regulations, Link.

[22] DMCC Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Policy and Process, Link.

[23] Mazen Boustany and Samar Safar Aly, Guidance for Financial Services Industry in the UAE, April 01, 2020, Link.

[24] The World Bank, Ease of Doing Business Rankings, Link.

[25] 2000 c 8.

[26] Bank of England, What is the Prudential Regulation Authority?, Link.

[27] Financial Conduct Authority, About the FCA, Link.

[28] 2001 No. 544.

[29] 1974 c 39.

[30] 2009 c 1.

[31] Financial Services Compensation Scheme, About us, Link.

[32] Mazen Boustany and Samar Safar Aly, Guidance for Financial Services Industry in the UAE, April 01, 2020, Link.

[33] Baker McKenzie, Global Financial Services Regulatory Guide, Link.

[34] Federal Reserve System, About the Fed, Link.

[35] Office of Comptroller of Currency, Who We Are, Link.

[36] Federal Deposit Insurance Scheme, About Us, Link.

[37] Baker McKenzie, Global Financial Services Regulatory Guide, Link

[38] 12 U.S. Code § 38.

[39] Pub. L. 63-43.

[40] 12 USC § 1751 et al.

[41] Pub. L. 81-797.

[42] 70 Stat. 133.

[43] 92 Stat. 607.

[44] 113 Stat. 1338.

[45] 124 Stat. 1376-2223.

[46] Mark Koba, Dodd-Frank Act: CNBC Explains, Link.

[47] 84 Stat. 1114-2.

[48] 115 Stat. 272.

[49] The World Bank, Ease of Doing Business Rankings, Link.

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Digital Forensics and Law Enforcement

By: Prabha Devi Ganesan


Digital Forensics is also defined as the science of identifying, preserving, analyzing and reporting of any evidence stored in the digital media like computer, network, server and mobile device. The documents of the evidence which are collected from the storage media computer system or any digital device can be used as evidence in the court. Before performing a forensic investigation a digital forensic examiner must understand various concepts in forensic.

People who can involve at the time of investigation are

  1. First responder
  2. Forensic investigators
  3. Court expert witness
  4. Law enforcement personnel

Process of Digital Forensics

  1. Identification -The first process of digital forensic is that what kind of evidence is present and also identifying the format and finding out where it is stored in the computer or mobile device.
  2. Preservation – It means that all the data is isolated, preserved and secured from using the digital device.
  3. Analysis – Based on the evidence found the fragments of data are reconstructed and the conclusion is being drawn as a conclusion. It also tells that how was it taken place.
  4. Reporting – It is like reconstructing all the crime scene and reviewing it with proper photograph, sketching and mapping the crime scene
  5. Presentation – This is the last process and all the above process are being summarized in this process and explained and put to a conclusion. The terms should be written in a abstracted terminologies

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Principles of digital evidence can be gathered digitally from the messages that are sent via phone, email internal history, computer files, images and instant messages. It can also be from the sources like desktop computers, laptops, mobile devices and cloud.

Main objectives

It helps to find the identity of the suspect or the culprit. Reconstructing the procedures at the crime scene may help to ensure that digital evidence which is obtained is not being altered or corrupted. It also helps to identify the evidence at short period of time and also gives overview of any malicious activity involved. It also helps to find the motive behind the crime scene. Process of computer forensic report gives a complete documentation on the investigation process. All the evidence is preserved by following chain of custody.

In case of confiscating a computer, expert forensic examiner must be called. The expert is called to ensure that any criminal actions doesn’t get lost or damaged if the computer is switched off. Pictures of the data that is currently being displayed on the screen and when the computer system is taken into custody when the server system is off because when the server system is off, the data saved can be damaged or disrupted from the services provided to the customers. As soon as the mobile is being confiscated it must be switched off and battery must be removed it is to make sure that the recent call information and cell tower remains unchanged. Once if it is off we shouldn’t turn it on because it may change the information on the device. A remote command can be sent without the knowledge of the investigator if the attacker gets to know about the mobile device is on. The mobile must be kept off because there are many other chances where it can be switch on easily. All the evidence which is collected is kept in FARADAY BAGS or other materials used when isolating a mobile device.  We should turn on flight mode. Turn off WIFI. Turn off Bluetooth. NFC or other communications system must be off. To prevent static electricity it can be kept in a material where there is no passage of electric current like paper bag, paper made out if cardboard and any envelope made up of paper.

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Computer based evidence have common in court proceedings and also it consists of many important information for computer for intelligence than the law enforcement. There is much enforcement of techniques that law enforcement is not being known. Digital forensics is involved in the commercial organizations   in case of any disputes regarding the employment, wrong or fraud investigation and intellectual property theft bankruptcy etc.



FACTS OF CASE: The manager with the fraud control unit of BPO filed a complaint stating that two of his employees has conspired with the credit card holder and manipulated the credit card limit and as a result they cheated the company of INR 0.72 million. After the investigation they have seized six mobile phones, imported wrist watches, jewelers, credit cards and leather accessories all worth of INR0.3 million and cash INR 25000. They also informed the company of the security lapses in their software so that cases like this could not be repeated in the future. This case has won the second runner-up position for India Cyber Cop Award for its investigating. It was also stated that the case was remarkable by the investigating team of the business process and its use in collecting digital evidence.



FACTS OF THE CASE: the accused was a NRI was working in Dubai she posed to a young girl living in Kolkata to enter into Han email correspondence. The accused started corresponding with the complainant using different email IDs with different female names which made the complainant believe that he was corresponding with different girls. Later on the accused asked for money and gifts and also sexual favors from the girls whom he was corresponding with. The accused started blackmailing the complainant referring to the email exchanges and she was made to believe that one of the girl committed suicide and sent fake copies of high court of Calcutta he also paid the bribe for the officials who supposedly investigating and compensate the family. This case won the first runner-up position India Cyber Cop Award for its investigating

Coming to the network forensics it involves HEX CODES AND ASCII CODES


When we take forensics it is also important to know about the number system fundamental. It is for the understanding the machine. There are 4 types they are binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal

Binary number

Base -2

Symbols- (1-0)

Octal number

Base – 8

Digits – (0-7)

Decimal number

Base -10

Standard number is always 10

Hexadecimal number

Base – 16

Digits – (0-9)

Characters – A to f

OFFSET – It indicates the distance between the starting or beginning of the object and a given element or point with the same object.


The Identification, collection and analysis of digital evidence from different types of storage media is known as FILE SYSTEM FORENSICS. There are many concepts that relates to the file system



Hard disk – data can be hidden on the maintenance track or it can be protected or preserved in a protected area on the hard disk which is also known as evidence collection tool

File allocation table (FAT) and Master File table (MFT) in New Technology File System (NTFS) are to keep a track of files present in the storage media

Deleted files are removed from the file system table even though it looks like it has been deleted from the hard disk and looks like it doesn’t appear in the hard disk anymore and the clusters which are being deleted allows the other files to save or store data. There are different ways to recover the data using certain techniques we can use hex format   when we are using hex format we should start from the starting or beginning and end of the file. We should copy it in a text file. After saving it in a text file it has to be saved in an appropriate file extension.


It is the Master boot record. It enables a computer system to know how the hard drive is being organized particular partition are being erased but still it is being stored in the hard drive.



The data is hidden in a random data is called ram slack found left over at the end of the volume. If the data are being deleted and if the clusters are not being stored it can be used in to store the data, and also the data which is deleted can be restored. It is mainly to hide the data in the storage media in a computer.

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The space which is being created are being obtained after the deletion of the file which is been deleted from the original partition is called free space


The data can also be stored in cluster that are named as bad and master file table which is names as badclus contains the information about the bad clusters present in NTFS file system. Size of file system is equivalent to the size of the volume. It is used to hide the size of the data stored on volume by a suspect

FAT 32 – 1996

It is mainly used in DOS and windows operating system before windows XP. 32 in the FAT32 represent the 32 bit number to depict cluster value. It accommodates 2^32. Newer hard drive don’t use FAT32

It gives a idea about where a particular file is stored it is also considered to be very simple when compared to NTFS file system.


It’s a newer file system than FAT32

It is being used in Window NT & 2006

It has 512 byte record called boot record

It is used to read the information regarding the partition present on the file system and other relevant information that is used by the operating system to load properly


Digital forensic examination of electronic system has end up in a great success in the analysis of cyber and computer assisted crime and also it has equivalent importance on the appropriate incident management capabilities to handle misuse of systems.

Learn more about Digital Forensics with Enhelion’s Online  certified course certified by Obsidian!


Laws relating to Private Equity in the Construction Industry

By: Ananyaa Jha


The capital investment in a business plays a major role in determining its long-term sustainability and success and there are various sources available, one of which is private equity, which has gained momentum since the past two decades in India, especially owning to the boom of the IT sector. At present the private equity (PE) firms are showing tremendous growth, the funds are distributed evenly across different sectors to mitigate the risk-factor. PE is a capital form of investment in a company that is not listed or traded publicly.

The paper discusses the law governing private equity in India along with how does a PE investment work. It also throws light upon the increasing demand for last-mile funding in construction industry and how private equity can come to the rescue.

Private Equity & its’ Importance?

The term private equity refers to capital investment in an entity that isn’t publicly traded. It’s an interest or ownership in a company that isn’t publicly listed. Private Equity investment can be made in a public company with the objective of making them private and delisting them from the stock exchange platform. Private Equity investors gain equity in return for the capital they invest in the company. Private Equity investors are generally institutional investors (such as banks, hedge funds, pension funds etc.) or individuals having a high net worth, or private equity firms comprising of accredited investors.[1]

Private Equity is different than venture capital as the latter is a funding provided to start-ups or entities which are in the nascent stages which showcase a lucrative growth in the long run, whereas private equity is more commonly invested in mature businesses that have already been established but are unable to generate profits due to poor performance & lack of efficiency, and are in-turn failing.  Private Equities play an active role in the functioning of an entity in order to improve the performance and help steer the company in the direction of increased revenues so that upon selling the investment and exiting from the entity, a generous amount of profit can be earned.[2]

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PE is a crucial form of investment as along with providing the required liquidity in a project, it stimulates entrepreneurship & increases shareholders value, in turn promoting job creation and fuelling economic growth. PE leans towards the riskier side of an investment scale as there is high likelihood of a company failing to perform. It involves a high level of long-term risk in order to yield high returns. Various strategies of PE investment include but is not limited to- growth equity funds, leveraged buyouts, venture capital investments, certain real estate investment amongst others.

Construction Industry & Private Equity

Construction industry and private equity have joined hands for the past many years, coming together to fund significant development projects worldwide. In the absence of PE firms, a lot of real estate development projects wouldn’t see the light of day or wouldn’t have reached the finish line. In this industry, the PE firms make available the required funds to help a project start and finish. These firms have a major role to play in the development of real estate.

Development of the real estate in any country is a costly affair, sometimes requiring the support of foreign investors too. The entire project can cost upwards of 10 to 100 crores. In majority, the development firms fall short of the necessary amount to fund the project in its entirety. This is where PE firms come into the picture. Usually, a banking institution will cover a hefty amount of the costs yet it leaves approximately 20-35% to be funded by the developers, which could still be a large amount, unable to be funded by the developers on their own, they may require additional help funding their project, bringing in private equity.[3]

If a PE firm chooses to invest in a real estate development project, they will have a major role to play in the process of decision-making. Basically, the PE firm/investor are regarded as either a majority or a part-owner of the property in which they are investing, owing to the large scale of investment in the project, they get entitled to a considerable scale of ownership of said project, which entitles them to have substantial influence in all the decisions to be made. They will provide their input throughout the construction process. The construction firm, in all becomes indebted to the PE firm.

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The year 2020 has witnessed a drop in PE investments because of the novel coronavirus disease’s outbreak (COVID-19 pandemic). The chance of specific sectors like healthcare, technology, e-commerce among a few others currently bringing about investment opportunities exists[4].

The real estate industry has taken a major hit due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the end of first quarter (March) has shown the sector to reach an all-time low. Commercial as well as residential sectors have been hit severely.[5] The already ailing residential sector in terms of poor demand is witnessing a hard time to launch any new projects or to even finish the ongoing projects due to shortage of labour and continuous construction stoppage.[6]

The slowdown in the sector will remain even post COVID-19 crisis and as lockdowns relaxation continues nationwide, since the construction sector is faced with a critical working capital crisis which holds utmost importance to restart the business & sustain it successfully. Many have their hopes pinned on intervention by the government to help recover the loss created by the pandemic. However, private equity can prove to be of aid in this current scenario.

The regulatory framework revolving around PE funds in India

In India, commonly the PE funds are established as trusts & in accordance with SEBI (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012, are registered as an alternative investment fund (AIF). Although, only a company, trust and limited liability partnership are available to be used as the legal vehicle for the PE funds. Companies Act, 2013 provides for PE funds to be established as companies but this method is not used much due to the lax compliance required in comparison to trust structures and in addition, the unclear precedents for fund-raising. According to the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Act, 2008, the alternative investment funds can be instituted as LLPs, however, the LLPs use for PE funds is quite rare.[7] The regulatory framework:

  1. SEBI (AIF) Regulations, 2012

SEBI via notification dated May 21, 2012, repealed & replaced 1996 Venture Capital Funds Regulations of SEBI with the Alternative Investment Funds Regulations of 2012, The AIF Regulations were intended to provide for unregulated funds & extends its principles in this regard along with increasing stability and accountability of the market. There are 3 categories along which these AIFs are spread. Category II categorizes such AIFs which don’t come under the ambit of Category I & III. According to regulations, PE funds get registered as Category II. The purpose of preparing these regulations was to create a standard structure in order to govern private set of funds & investment vehicles to improve the channelizing of the funds.

SEBI has recently issued a circular that introduces various notable changes to the legal framework that currently exists. To strengthen the disclosures required, SEBI directed compulsory Performance Benchmarking along with standardizing PPM, that’s the prime document for disclosing all the relevant information to the potential investors, & Annual Audits for the alternative investment funds. On 1st March, 2020, all these changes have been enforced.

  1. The Companies Act, 2013

The Companies Act, 2013 brought with it a required overhaul for companies’ governance in India. The Act of 2013 brought major changes by placing regulatory responsibility, accountability & heavy compliance policies on private companies. Private companies take the ‘private placement’ route to raise capital as they aren’t permitted to offer securities to the general public & raise capital, so they have to take a different approach, wherein the securities are issued to only a selected no. of private individuals. Section 42 of the Act governs the ‘private placement’ process and all such private companies have to comply with the provisions contained in the section. The Section plainly states an invitation or an offer can’t be made to over 200[8] individuals, excluding the securities that are offered under ESOP[9] & the Qualified Institutional Buyers, but such immense rules in respect of PE funds are inapt because regulating the investments that are done through PE funds do not necessitate large compliances because the securities aren’t offered to the public. [10]

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The working of PE Investment

Elucidated below is a guideline which the investors/firms need to follow when they invest in private equity of an entity:

  • Raising Capital & Share-Purchase: The Private Equity investment process starts with chalking out an acquisition plan, & ways in which capital for it could be raised, that encompasses decisions based on different kinds of financing used for raising capital, etc, along with conducting due diligence. As soon as the acquisition deal closes, the management duties of the firm that’s been acquired becomes the responsibility of PE investors.
  • The Acquired Company’s Restructuring: The subsequent move is restructuring of the firm required to increase its productivity by managing the company through improving operations & reducing costs. It covers a wide range of crucial decisions about the operations, the expansion, the profitability, the strategy to be adopted, along with the company’s growth model. The involvement level will be directly proportional to the size of their investment.[11]
  • Selling/Exiting the Company: Generally, the end mission of PE firms is putting the company on sale/exiting at a sizeable profit, which usually takes place after around 3 to 7 successful years after initial investment, although the number of years may vary depending on specific strategic circumstances. After the acquired company begins profiting, & continues to show consistent growth, it is the right time to sell it as there exists high probability of the promoters gaining enormous profits from the sale of the entity. The PE investors get their share of the profits and enjoy a good return.

The demand for last-mile funding in Construction Industry

PE firms have been on the look out to take advantage out of the increasing need of last-mile funding by the construction/real-estate developers because of the on-going stagnation in the residential sector which has worsened due to the liquidity crisis that is existent in the country. Many of the PE investors are keeping an eye for offering capital out of existing funds for construction projects which are in the final or late stage & also establishing platforms in order to finance such real estate projects. [12]

After Real Estate (Regulations & Development) Act (RERA) was implemented in 2017, the developers since then have focused on completing the construction projects & so the demand for funding capital in the late-stages has soared. The banks unwillingness to refinance loan in addition to the liquidity crisis in the financial market has elevated the demand for PE funds because a substantial number of late-stage projects are unable to finish due to lack of capital.

Given the scenario, influx of last-mile capital funding coming in to complete projects is very positively transformative for all the concerned stakeholders. The benefit of last-mile funding is that comparatively it’s a less risky approach as these projects have the necessary approvals, the construction has begun & to some extent have started bringing about sales, so all of this helps to mitigate the risk involved, which provides better chances of reward & hence, investors interests piques.

The PE firms’ interest in the real estate sector is growing at the same time when the government is taking initiative to revive the sector. The government in 2019 announced the establishment of a Rs 25,000 crore AIF in respect of last-mile funding to get the stalled residential projects back on track, because sales have been on the declining scale since 2014, except a marginal rise in the year 2016, but the demonetisation decision by the government & goods and services tax (GST) implementation worsened the situation in 2017 & since the recovery in the sector is moving very slowly.


Private Equity and the construction sector haven’t always connected as the PE investors have by & large steered clear of the construction industry owing to a great deal of inherent risks, like the business having a cyclic nature, professional management, succession planning along with the unrealised expectations in respect of financial requirements of the construction business, i.e., bonding, & the owners of construction companies have been apprehensive of outside investors. However, that perception is changing as PE investors will bring not just financial aid but act as a strategic partner, unlike the other sources of capital & work with the business & make a sustainable model by keeping a long-term vision, thereby maximizing value. The PE firms will bring in deep understanding of the construction industry & help the companies grow by investing not just capital but an array of other valuable requirements for the company to grow.[13]

[1], (Last Visited at 9:00 AM on 6th November, 2020).

[2],potential%20for%20long%2Dterm%20growth., (Last Visited at 10:00 AM on 6th November, 2020).

[3], Last Visited at 5 PM on 6th November, 2020.

[4] Rukmini Rao, “Coronavirus: E-commerce, SaaS and healthcare to attract more PE funding, says report”, Business Today, May 14, 2020, available at (last visited at 2 PM on 6th November, 2002).

[5] Knight Frank India Survey.

[6] Kailash Babar, “Covid-19 impact: Real estate sentiments hit lowest level”, The Economic Times, April 16, 2020, available at (last visited at 7 PM on 6th November, 2020).

[7] Pratish Kumar, Sumitava Basu and Divya Dhage, “Private Equity in India: market and regulatory overview”, available at, (last visited at 11:00 AM on 6th November, 2020).

[8]  Rule 14 of the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014.

[9] Employee Stock Option Plan

[10] B&B Associates, “Private Equity in India: Evolution and Legal Overview”, July 31, 2020, available at:, (last visited at 9:00 PM on 8th November, 2020).

[11], last visited at 11:00 AM on 8th November, 2020.

[12] Bidya Sapam, “Private equity firms sense big opportunity in last-mile real estate funding”, December 3, 2019, available at:, (Last Visited at 10 AM on 9th November, 2020).

[13],a%20company%20needs%20to%20grow., last visited at 11:30 AM on 10th November, 2020.

Learn more about Private Equity Law in India with Enhelion’s Online Law firm certified course certified by ANB Legal Advocates and Solicitors!


Analysis of Corporate Laws in USA, UK and UAE

By: Tanvi Rai


“A modern economy is marked by the feasibility of endogenous change: Modernization brings myriad arrangements from expanded property rights to company law and financial institutions.”

– Edmund Phelps

Corporate law, which is also commonly known as enterprise, business, commercial or company law is a sphere of law which deals with managing and governing rights, duties, relationships and conduct of various companies, organisations, businesses and even persons. It is directly related to the life cycle of a company/corporation/business hence it involves the company’s formation, funding, governance, death and many more related aspects.

An additional aspect of Corporate Governance is represented by capital markets, culture of the business, share ownership, and many more aspects, legal rules, characteristics, problems differ from one jurisdiction to another, yet are present in across the world. Corporate law essentially regulates and controls relations amongst companies, its investors, shareholders, board of directors, employees, creditors, other stakeholders like the government, consumers, the society at large and environment along with their interaction with one another. Commercial law is umbrella term which includes company and business laws and all activities related to them. This also includes financial and corporate governance laws.

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Brief Historical Background of Company Law

The modern company law began in the year 1844 in England, United Kingdoms, with passing of the Joint Stock Companies Act. For the very first time a corporation/company could have been incorporated by registration. Before this act, a company could only be incorporated by obtaining either by sanction of a special Act of the Parliament of England or by obtaining a Royal Charter. There was also an important creation made in the process, which was re creation of office of the Registrar of the Joint Stock Companies. In the year 1855, the English Parliament passed another act namely the limited Liability Act which provided for the limited liability to the members of a registered company. Further, in 1856, a new and comprehensive act came into force which superseded the 1854 act and marked the starting of new company law in England creating articles and memorandum of association.

In North America, this charter and new law had two purposes, one was the colonizing rub-off, and another was a trading purpose. The Hudson’s Bay company was almost completely dedicated to only trading activities but most companies like Plymouth, London Company, Massachusetts Bay Company were wholly engaged in settlement of colonists. In other parts, the chartered English Companies continued to be formed for the expansion of new trade.

Analysis of Corporate Laws in USA, UK and UAE

Corporate Law in United States of America

The United States of America is the world’s largest economy having corporate laws at federal, state and local levels and has been flooded with business prospects. This corporate law at the federal level creates minimum requirements for business in company shares and governance rights. Being capitalistic democracy, the country and its corporate laws allow the companies to get incorporated in the state of their choice and convenience, regardless of the place of their headquarters. This and other standards have been enlisted in the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities and exchange Act of 1934. Over the last century, Delaware General Corporation Law is the most preferred State Law for incorporation of major Corporations and companies. This is specifically for the of lower corporate taxes, lesser shareholder rights against the board of directors of the company and that Delaware has a specialised court and legal profession. Nevada has replication the same. Out of the fifty states, twenty-four of them abide by the Model Business Corporation Act, whereas the states of New York and California are essential due to their massive size.

Incorporation, Charter Competition and Corporate Personality

The articles of incorporation are the foundation of the Company, they not just laid about the basics but also determine the state of incorporation of the company and accordingly levels of corporate taxes, various qualities of shareholder and stakeholder rights, the duties of directors and other things are determined. A business which has been rightly and legally incorporated acquires the status of a separate legal entity which is different from that of its investors. The company can both sue and be sued in its own name.

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Corporate Governance

In principle, a corporation’s constitution can be designed in any way so long as it complies with the compulsory rules set down by the state or federal legislature. Most state laws, and the federal government, give a broad freedom to corporations to design the relative rights of directors, shareholders, employees and other stakeholders in the articles of incorporation and the by-laws.

Duties of the Director

Decisions of a company are majorly entrusted on the directors; these can retrain as well as empower the directors in whose favour they exercise their discretion. The directors should promote shareholder value, which exercising their own business judgement to balance all the claims against various stakeholders, employees, and shareholders. Another duty of the directors are their fiduciary duties which expects them to avoid any conflict of interest between their own pursuit of profit and the interests of the corporation. Another requirement in most of the states is a basic duty of care in performance, this standard is determined from the fact that any prudent man could follow in any contract of services. But the state of Delaware has discarded these duties and allows liability waivers. Duty of care, which is primarily rested upon the shoulders of the board of directors includes standard of diligence and to act with reason and care.

Derivative Suits

The Board of Director owe their duties and responsibilities to the company as whole and not to each and every shareholder and stakeholders individually therefore the right to sue for breach of duty by the Board of directors as a whole or a single director rests by default with the company itself. Hence, this creates a problem where action is brought against a single director when the company has been taken over and the board is non- friendly or has been replaced after the company suffering bankruptcy. There are a few solutions to the aforementioned problem, first being that jurisdictions outside of US allow specific share to shareholders to claim is right. Second is by giving standing to sue to non-shareholder groups and last and the main alternative is with an independent shareholder to derive a claim on company’s behalf to sue for breach of duty. This is decided by the courts on the merits of the case.

Corporate Law in United Kingdom

The Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform which is BERR and was formerly the Department of Trade and Industry the DTI is responsible for corporate law and Governance Directorate. UK’s interest in the development of EU company law is represented by this directorate. Matters relating to various aspects of corporate governance are dealt with in codes of best practice.

Formation of the Company

An assortment of organizations might be consolidated under the Companies Act 2006. Individuals keen on beginning the undertaking – the forthcoming chiefs, representatives and investors – may pick, initially, a limitless or a restricted organization. “Limitless” will mean the incorporators will be obligated for all misfortunes and obligations under the overall standards of private law. The choice of a restricted organization prompts a subsequent option.

Rules of Attribution

While a limited organization is considered to be a legitimate individual separate from its investors and representatives, truly, an organization can just act through its workers, from the directorate down. So there should be standards to credit rights and obligations to an organization from its actors. This typically matters in light of the fact that an oppressed outsider will need to sue whoever has cash to pay for penetrate of a commitment, and organizations as opposed to their representatives frequently have more cash.

Directors’ Duties

Directors designated to the board structure the focal expert in UK organizations. In doing their capacities, directors (regardless of whether officially designated, accepted, or “shadow directors”) owe a progression of obligations to the company. There are by and by seven key obligations systematized under the Companies Act 2006 segments 171 to 177, which mirror the precedent-based law and fair standards. These may not be restricted, deferred or contracted out of, however organizations may purchase protection to take care of directors for costs in case of breach. The solutions for penetrates of obligation were not arranged, yet keep precedent-based law and value, and incorporate remuneration for misfortunes, compensation of ill-conceived gains and explicit execution or directives.

Corporate Governance

It communicated that different rules, recommendations and rules structure the rule of corporate organization inside the UK, for instance, exclusively based law rules, for instance, trustee commitments of bosses, secured reports of an association including notice and articles of alliance, form expressly Organizations Act 1985, the presenting rules applying on all associations recorded on the Point Rules or Authority Rundown, the Consolidated Code on

Corporate Administration; be that as it may, the Code’s courses of action are not central, yet it is compulsory for the recorded associations to give their yearly report a declaration showing consistence with the Code and give reasons if not concurring. Keasey, Thompson and Wright (2005) found that the Code is joined by the Smith Direction insinuating audit sheets and evaluators; the Turnbull Direction related to

Code’s internal control need and the Higgs Audit and proposed proposition of good practices. Moreover, non-authentic standards appropriated by bodies addressing institutional monetary trained professionals, for instance, ABI PIRC (the Benefits and Venture Exploration Experts and NAPF are fundamental. All the recorded associations will without a doubt adhere to these standards. Moreover, in case of public associations’ takeovers, Mergers and the rules of the Takeover close by the City Code on Takeovers are important. Additionally, Code of Market Direct of Budgetary Administrations Authority is huge as it relates to the information introduction, which is significantly sensitive and mystery and if it isn’t followed, it might incite make a sham market.

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Corporate Law in United Arab Emirates (UAE)

The corporate law of UAE regulates all the aspects of a company and its management right from governance to finance of the company. Each emirate has its own corporate code.

Types of Business License

There are primarily four types of business licenses provided in UAE, which are professional, commercial, industrial and tourism. Services offered by the various professionals like doctors and others, artisans and craftsmen get a professional license. Trading and commercial activities come under the ambit of commercial licenses, given that these activities are undertaking with the intensions of making profits. Industrial and manufacturing activities are carried out under the industrial license. Lastly, all activities related to tourism like hospitality and travel are covered under tourism license.

Jurisdiction of the company

There are only three jurisdictions that are followed in UAE for formation of a company, there are Mainland, Free Zone and Offshore and all company are divided into these three jurisdictions. These jurisdictions are separate licensing authorities, the mainland is licensed by Department of Economic Development of the respective emirates, which the Free Zone will be licensed by the relevant free zone authority and so will the offshore authority. In the cases of commercial as well as industrial licenses, UAE National holds/owns 51% shares and 49% is held by the expat partner. While in professional license, 100% shares are owned by expat partner but UAE national is appointed as a Local Service Agent.

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

It is the most common form of registered organisation and is recommended where the purpose of the entity is to make sales within the region. An entity with a 100% foreign ownership is not allowed in UAE.  Under the Commercial Companies Law (CCL) of the UAE the foreign investors are allowed to own 49% of equity shares in national companies and 51% at all times by one or more UAE nationals.

LLC under article 218 of CCL can be formed by minimum of 1 and maximum of 50 shareholders who are limited to the liability of their share capital in the company. In the latest amendments to article 217 of CCL minimum share capital requirement is removed allowing founders of a limited liability company the freedom to determine the company’s share capital. MoA or management contract appoints managers and a LLC must appoint one manager and maximum of five managers for business for a fixed or unlimited term. They have fill managerial and administration power, but the LLC is not allowed to practice its activities without Trade License and Commercial Registration Certificate.

Branch/Representative Office

A branch or representative office has the identical legal personality as its parent company as well as operates business under the name of its parent company. The branch or representative office carries out similar activities to that of the parent company. However they are not permitted to carry on business of importing products of the parent company, as this function can only be carried on by local trade agents. In a few instances the representative office of a foreign company are required to obtain an additional license from UAE ministry of Economy. A UAE national must be appointed as a ‘service agent’ for the branch or representative office.

Civil Company

This is a company for the professional like doctors, lawyers, engineers and accountants in UAE. Except the engineering civil company all others are a 100% owned by professional partners. However, a UAE National Local Services Agent is a mandatory. A foreign company can be a partner in a civil company, as long as the foreign company is in the same field as the civil company.

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Comparative Analysis and Conclusion

There is a vast and major difference among laws in US, UK and UAE. The first and the foremost difference is that of Language. While in USA and UK the entire corporate law is in English (which may differ from each other, American English in the states and British English in UK), the law and agreements are primarily in Arabic, and if written in English, have to be deciphered in Arabic. Arabic is preferred over English in UAE.

In the USA, undertakings are at various levels, i.e., government law, state law, and the close by law/local laws. Of course, in the UAE, an individual body picks the rules, and all the organizations require to expect quick to remember. In the USA, cover rules are given to be clung to and further the state applies the relatable standards close by the associations which breaker rules into their by-laws. With the ultimate objective of expense assortment, each level powers its own evaluation which the organization needs to pay. State laws are particular in every one of the 50 states. This grows the multifaceted idea of the pattern of business. The association is restricted by first the public authority rules, by then the state rules, ultimately the local standards. UAE has a uniform system. The organization close by explicit associations picks the rules for all the associations and there is no centre level. Both for the territory associations the ones in smoothed out business zones, there is only one level at which the rules are set down similarly as the obligation procedure is taken.

In UAE, the business and the piece of the business are treated as free substances and the pay made from the branch is considered as the pay of the branch itself, however, in the USA, the branch is treated as a bit of the business and not a unit of the business. Hereafter, the evaluation to be charged on that particular branch is charged on that of the whole business.

The fundamental principles of the UAE give confined commitment to the financial specialists of the association as the business and the speculators are seen as free substances. USA gives a decision to the owners of the association to either get troubled freely on the business and the speculator’s compensation comparably as UAE or the other option is get the business pay in like manner troubled as the owner’s own personal compensation. Regardless, for the resulting decision, certain conditions are to meet.

Definitively, the relationship of corporate organization practices and laws of the UK and the U.S. are similar or there is an indistinguishable standard. Regardless, for associations and their in-house managing, the changing embodiment of the definitive scene of the two countries propels various troubles. Believe it or not, after the deplorable budgetary crisis of 2008 and 2009, the laws demand totally recorded associations to hold quick to code of ethics and related laws and rules. Considering, it has been dependable with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and 2004 Act; nevertheless, for non-U.S. firms, SEC has been extraordinarily obliging giving them an open entryway through avoidances to develop their associations as they may go up against conflicting challenges considering neighbourhood laws. In the U.S., SOX expect a critical part for effective corporate organization while in the UK, Demonstration 2004, Smith Direction and various laws coordinate to clear money related itemizing.

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