Criminal Law

Plea Bargaining in India and USA -A Comparative Study

By: Muskan Sharma

Concept of Plea Bargaining

Plea Bargaining is a process where the accused is asked to plead guilty in exchange of the judge acting lenient while awarding punishment or considering the seriousness of the offence. It is derived from the Latin phrase ‘Nolo Contendere’ which means ‘I do not wish to contend’ i.e. a plea of ‘No contest’. Plea Bargaining is a situation where the accused admits that the charges levelled against him are true and that he will not contend a query to the Court to decide over his guilt.

The concept of Plea Bargaining was not originally introduced into the Indian legal system but into USA. However, the Law Commission’s efforts promoted the insertion of the provisions concerning Plea Bargaining via its 142nd, 154th, and 177th reports. A new chapter on ‘Plea Bargaining’ was introduced into the Criminal Procedure Code based on the recommendations of the Law Commission for certain offences.

There are three types of Plea Bargaining namely, Sentence Bargaining, Charge Bargaining, and Fact Bargaining.

The concept of ‘Plea Bargaining’ is operative in both India and USA but the practice is not identical. However, it is pertinent to know about the concept of Plea Bargaining and landmark cases associated to it in both legal systems separately for a fruitful comparison between the two.

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Plea Bargaining in USA

In USA, the accused can put forward one of the three pleas i.e. Guilty, Not Guilty, and Nolo Contendere. Under the doctrine of Nolo Contendere, the plea is treated as an implied confession of guilt or that the Court will decide on the point of his guilt.

However, the Court is not bound to accept such a plea of the accused. It is the discretionary power of the Court to either accept or reject such plea, considering the facts and circumstances of each case presented to it. The Court is supposed to ensure that the plea should be put forward voluntarily by the accused and absence of duress and coercion. The accused must receive the protection of secrecy. Plea Bargaining gained momentum due to the overcrowding in prisons of USA.

Landmark Cases in USA

  • State exrel Clark Adams[1]

In the instant case, the Court explained the doctrine of ‘Nolo Contendere’. The Court held that the plea of ‘Nolo Contendere’ also known as ‘Plea of Nolvut’ means the accused does not wish to contend.

  • United States Risfield[2]

The Court observed that in a criminal action in which an application for Plea Bargaining has been made, the adjudication by the Court in relation to the plea of guilty is not necessary. However, the Court may impose sentence on the accused person immediately.

  • Lott United States[3]

The Court held that the plea being tantamount to an admission of guilt, is not conviction but merely a determination of guilt.

  • Bordenkircher Haynes[4]

In this case, the US Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Plea Bargaining while awarding life imprisonment to the accused person who rejected to plead guilty for imprisonment for a term of five years. The Supreme Court observed a slight possibility that the accused person may be coerced to choose among the lesser of the two punishments.

The Supreme Court further observed that there is no probability of coercion or duress if the accused person is free to either accept or reject the offer made by the prosecutor during the negotiation process for Plea Bargaining.

  • Brady United States[5]

In the instant case, the Supreme Court held that the consensus reached out of fear that the trial will result into death penalty will not make the process of Plea Bargaining illegitimate. If the process of Plea Bargaining has been properly conducted and controlled, it is legitimate.

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Plea Bargaining in India

Section 265A to 265L (Chapter XXI A) of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as “CrPC”) contain provisions concerning ‘Plea Bargaining’.

Section 265A of CrPC provides who is eligible to take benefit of Plea Bargaining. According to the provisions of Section 265A, any accused may take the course of Plea Bargaining except the accused charged with offences that are punishable with death or life imprisonment or imprisonment for a term more than seven years. Also, an accused charged with an offence against a woman or a child below fourteen years of age or affecting the socio-economic conditions of the country, is also not allowed to take the course of Plea Bargaining.

Section 265B provides for the procedure to file an application for Plea Bargaining. The application must contain all details of the case accompanied by a sworn affidavit. Afterwards, the Court may examine the accused to satisfy itself of the fact that the accused has filed such application voluntarily. If the accused satisfies the Court of the voluntariness, the Court provides some time for the mutual satisfactory disposition of the case. If in case, the accused fails to satisfy the Court that he has filed the application voluntarily or that he has been convicted with the same offence previously, the Court may proceed from the stage the application has been filed before it.

Section 265C contains guidelines for mutually satisfactory disposition of the case. It states that the Court shall issue notice to the public prosecutor, if the case instituted on a police report, the accused, and the victim to participate in a meeting to reach at a satisfactory disposition of the case. However, the Court must ensure that the process be completed voluntarily and the accused may participate with his pleader, if he desires so.

Section 265D to Section 265I contain provisions concerning the report of mutually satisfactory disposition, disposal of the case, judgment of the Court, finality of the judgment, power of the Court in plea bargaining, and period of detention already undergone by the accused be set off against the sentence of imprisonment.

Landmark Cases in India

  • Murlidhar Meghraj Loya State of Maharashtra[6]

In the instant case, J. Krishna Iyer criticized the practice of Plea Bargaining. He observed that the Trial Magistrate is burdened with cases and hence, approves the secret dealings of Plea Bargaining. He further observed, “The businessman culprit, confronted by a sure prospect of the agony and ignominy of tenancy of a prison cell, ‘trades out‘ of the situation, the bargain being a plea of guilt, coupled with a promise of ‘no jail‘. These advance arrangements please everyone except the distant victim, the silent society…”

  • Kachhia Patel Shantilal Koderlal State of Gujarat and Anr.[7]

In this case as well, the Supreme Court criticized the concept of Plea Bargaining. The Court held that Plea Bargaining is an unconstitutional process as it encourages corruption and pollutes the concept of justice.

  • State of Uttar Pradesh Chandrika[8]

The Supreme Court held that it is a settled law that a criminal case cannot be disposed off merely on the basis of Plea Bargaining. It was further observed that it is the constitutional duty of the Court to consider the merits of the case and award appropriate sentence despite the confession of the guilt by the accused person.  Mere confession of the guilt by the accused person cannot be a reason for awarding lesser punishment.

However, there has been a shift in the judicial thinking with the passage of time.

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  • State of Gujarat Natwar Harchandji Thakor[9]

In the instant case, the Gujarat High Court favoured the process of Plea Bargaining and held that the object is to provide easy, cheap, and expeditious resolution of disputes including the trial in criminal cases and that it prevents the pendency and delay in disposal of the administration of justice.

  • Vijay Moses Das CBI[10]

In the instant case, a person was accused of supplying of sub-standardized material to ONGC at a wrong port and thereby, causing ONGC to suffer huge losses. CBI completed the investigation and started prosecution against the accused person under Section 420, 468, and 471 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. The accused person took the course of Plea Bargaining. But the Trial Court rejected the application of Plea Bargaining on the ground that it was not accompanied by an affidavit as stipulated under Section 265B and no compensation was fixed. However, the Uttarakhand High Court directed the Trial Court to accept the application of Plea Bargaining.

  • Thippaswamy State of Karnataka[11]

In the instant case, the Supreme Court held that inducing an accused person to plead guilty under any assurance or promise is unconstitutional for being violative of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. It further observed that in such cases, the Court must set aside the conviction and direct the case to the Trial Court to give accused person the right to defend himself and if found guilty, the Trial Court may award appropriate punishment to him.

Plea Bargaining in India and USA: Comparative Analysis

Though the concept of ‘Plea Bargaining’ as adopted into the Indian legal system has been borrowed from USA, it is still distinguishable from the operation of ‘Plea Bargaining’ in USA. Following are some of the major differences that exist between the concept of ‘Plea Bargaining’ as operative in India and USA:

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  1. Nature of Offence

In USA, there is no provision as to the prohibition on plea bargaining in certain offences. An accused person charged with any offence may take the course of Plea Bargaining. However, in India, there are exceptions as contained in Section 265A. Following categories of accused persons cannot take the course of Plea Bargaining in India:

  1. Accused person charged with an offence punishable with death
  2. Accused person charged with an offence punishable with life imprisonment
  3. Accused person charged with an offence punishable with imprisonment of more than seven years
  4. Accused person charged with an offence against women
  5. Accused person charged with an offence against a child below fourteen years of age
  6. Accused person charged with an offence that affects socio-economic conditions of the country
  7. Role of Victim in Proceedings

In Indian Law, the victim has an important role in the proceedings of Plea Bargaining. The victim has the power to refuse or veto if unable to reach a mutually satisfactory disposition. However, in USA, the victim does not have an active role to play in the proceedings of Plea Bargaining.

  1. Mechanisms available for enforceability

In USA, an application for Plea Bargaining is filed only after the negotiation process between the accused person and the prosecutor is complete. However, in India, the negotiation process with the accused person does not even start before the filing of the application of the Plea Bargaining to ensure that the application of Plea Bargaining is filed voluntarily by the accused. Therefore, there is less chance of the accused being coerced or secret dealings for filing an application for Plea Bargaining.

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  1. Discretion of the Judge

In USA, the judge does not exercise discretionary power while accepting an application for Plea Bargaining. However, in Indian legal system, the judge has discretionary powers to either reject or accept an application for Plea Bargaining filed by the accused person.

  1. Finality

Under the Indian legal system, if the Court thinks the punishment awarded in any case of Plea Bargaining is insufficient or is guarded by unfair circumstances, it may be set aside either by an SLP under Article 136 or a writ petition under Articles 226 and 227 of the Indian Constitution. However, in USA, it reaches its finality.



The conviction rate via Plea Bargaining in the USA is as high as nearly 90% whereas in India, it is not even close to 10% of the criminal cases. This disparity exists due to the differences that exist between the concept of Plea Bargaining as practiced in USA and India.

Though the conviction rate in India is way too low as compared to the conviction rate in USA, it is effective in ensuring that the application of Plea Bargaining has been filed voluntarily. Justice may be delayed but must not be denied. In India, an accused person does not take the course of Plea Bargaining to choose the lesser among the punishments but is a voluntary action. Hence, it is high probability that an innocent person will not be awarded punishment in India by way of Plea Bargaining.

However, speedy disposal of cases is the need of the hour. Hence, the legislature must go for reforms and provide adequate infrastructure to the judiciary to reduce the number of undertrial prisoners.

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[1] 363 US 807

[2] 340 US 914

[3] 367 US 421

[4] 434 US 357 (1978)

[5] 397 US 742 (1970)

[6] AIR 1976 SC 1929

[7] 1980 Cr LJ 553

[8] 2000 Cr LJ 384

[9] (2005) Cr LJ 2957

[10] Crl. (Misc.) Application No. 1037/2006

[11] (1983) 1 SCC 194

Intellectual Property Law

Compulsory Licensing in India

By: Rajat Nischal

Prominently known as World Intellectual Property Organization [WIPO] elucidates ‘Patent’ as an arranged right specifically for inventions. Lawfully, a patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem. To get a patent, technical information about the invention must be disclosed to the public in a patent application [1]. An individual who owns/possesses the ownership of the patent is hereinafter referred to as, patent owner/ patentee. Officially, the patent owner shall possess an exclusive and special right on his invention for a limited duration of 20 long years, moreover, the patentee also holds an extraordinary right of eliminating individuals/ groups from using his/her patented product without a formalized permission. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, under specific crucial circumstances and situations, a compulsory license to make use of a patented product may be given to a third party. This impression of “compulsory licensing in India” has been given in Chapter XVI of the Indian Patents Act, 1970 [2].

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Transmogrifying the true concept of compulsory licenses to a very simple and layman’s language would make us understand that these licenses are authorizations provided to a foreign/ alien party by the hon’ble controller general in order to make the usage of a specific patented creation without the approval of the patent owner. The outlines of compulsory licensing are very known at both, international and national levels with the reference cited in TRIPS Agreement for former and Indian Patent Act, 1970[1] for the latter one. Nevertheless, the presence of several preconditions is truly enshrined under sections 84-92 of the Indian Patent Act, 1970 [2] which stands as crucial to be satisfied if a compulsory license is to be issued in favor of a third party.

As enshrined under Section 84 of the Indian Patent Act[3], any individual, notwithstanding to the factum of possession of the license of the concerned patent, can submit a humble appeal to the hon’ble controller general requesting for the permission of compulsory license on expiry of three years if, the following bullets are satisfied;

  • In the case where the lawfully protected invention fails to work in India
  • In the case where the rational requisites of the public have not been fulfilled
  • In the case where the invention is offered at an unfordable price.

Moreover, as enshrined under section 92 of the Indian Patent Act, 1970 [4]a suo moto cognizance may also be issued to the compulsory licenses by the will of the hon’ble controller general if there is either a “national emergency” or “extreme urgency” or in cases of “public non-commercial use”. The hon’ble controller may additionally take into account certain more aspects like of the nature of the patented invention and, The Controller takes into account some more aspects like the nature of the invention, the competence of the applicant to use the creation for public welfare and benefit nevertheless, the absolute discretion to grant the compulsory license falls with the hon’ble controller general. [5]

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First of its kind of compulsory license by a patent office in India was done on an appreciable date of 9th march of 2012 to Natco Pharma for the generic production of Bayer Corporation’s Nexavar (medication used for treating Kidney and Liver Cancer). Bayer Corporation’s Nexavar sold the medications for an exorbitant and superfluous price costing Rs. 2,80,000 for one month’s dosage. The Natco Pharma was assenting to sell the same dosage at a sum of Rs. 9,000 which is tremendously less than the former price of the medication (as offered by Bayer’s). With a major price drop, people belonging to lower-income groups became eligible to afford the drug created for the welfare of the people. Taking merit of the aforesaid, all the three bullets of section 84 of the Indian Patent Act, 1970 [6] are satisfied and henceforth, the pronouncement was produced for the profit of people.

In several other cases related to the issuance of compulsory licenses in the pharmaceutical industry, the Hon’ble controller general rejected the plea for numerous reasons. The supposed was done due to;

  • failing to prove prima facie case
  • failure to prove positive public use of the creation
  • not applying for a license of patent prior to applying for a compulsory license.[7]

It is a strong belief in the legal facet of patents that getting a creation registered under the law does not absolutely fall out adequate moreover, the judiciary must understand the appearance of the entire case, submissions by the patent holder, and the defense of the same.[8] In few case laws, the Indian courts have relined that the regulations and rules contrary to the anti-competitive practices in the Competition Act, 2002[9] and the obligatory rules of compulsory licensing in the Indian Patent Act, 1970 [10]are not in exclusion of each other; rather, on the flipped side of the coin, they are to be read together. The doubt over the choice of anti-competitive practices may perhaps also be thought out by the Hon’ble controller general. Nevertheless, in case the Competition Commission of India [CCI] treasures that the patent holder’s behaviour is anti-competitive and the said attains an utmost conclusiveness then, the Hon’ble controller will also move further to issue estoppel-the patentee would be estopped from contending to the contrary.[11]

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The rational legal approach in regard to the grant of compulsory license states, the regulations and obligatory rules exists for a sole purpose of people’s wellbeing and the said shall not be used for any other purpose which may directly or indirectly reduce the positive rights of the patentee. A lucid balance of rights/ regulations and, the execution of the same shall justly exist.


The laws referring the compulsory licensing should be exercised rationally, cautiously and wisely because it stands straight as an exception to the sober rule of patent. The regulations are not absolute in nature but rather are partially aligned were, neither complete patent protection is provided, nor it is denied wholly. Because of its application in the medical field, the pharmaceutical companies in order to protect their product from compulsory licensing are required to price their patented module in harmony to the financial status of the nation. And owing to the above stated fact, the concept of compulsory licensing as a law has indeed upshifted as an expectational hope for the financially challenged patients. Bearing in mind the financial conditions of India, compulsory licensing as an obligatory regulation is unquestionably a major necessity.

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But then again, the distress faces out when the warm ray of light is flashed towards the contest of the two flanks, the first where it has to obey the international norms of patent protection and the other in which all the arrangements are done in order to safeguard and protect the people of the nation.

[1] Ibid

[2] The Indian Patent Act, 1970, § 84-92, The Gazette of India, pt. II sec. 1 (19th September, 1970).

[3] The Indian Patent Act, 1970, § 84, The Gazette of India, pt. II sec. 1 (19th September, 1970).

[4] The Indian Patent Act, 1970, § 92, The Gazette of India, pt. II sec. 1 (19th September, 1970).


[6] The Indian Patent Act, 1970, § 84, The Gazette of India, pt. II sec. 1 (19th September, 1970).


[8] Franz Xaver Huemer v. New Yash Engineers, AIR 1997 Delhi 79, 1996 (25) (India).

[9] The Competition Act, 2002, The Gazette of India, pt. II sec. 1 (31st March, 2003).

[10] The Indian Patent Act, 1970, The Gazette of India, pt. II sec. 1 (19th September, 1970).

[11] Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. v. Rajesh Bansal and Others, MANU/DE/2436/2018 (India).


[2] The Indian Patent Act, 1970, The Gazette of India, pt. II sec. 1 (19th September, 1970).

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Civil Courts System In India and their Jurisdiction

By: Rajat Nischal 


The Constitution of Republic of India in its very structuring puts down certain framework in respect to the Indian Judicial System. The administration of our country is sensed upon the federal system of governance making the dispersal of power between the Centre and the States. Even so, the Constitution of India establishes a single integrated judicial system encompassing courts to administer both Central and State commandments. The apex court of India located in the capital of the country, New Delhi is the supreme court i.e., the court of highest appeal. The second most authority after the apex body are the various High Courts at the state level which function for one or more number of states. furthermore, down the line after these major bodies, establishments of the district and subordinate courts also prevails at the lower tier levels in the territory of India. In order to extend the functioning of the Courts, there exist specialised tribunals to adjudicate sector specific claims such as labour, consumer, service matter disputes.

The civil court system of India is one of the most primogenital legal systems in the world history.  The respectful plays a significant element of the inheritance India proclaimed from the colonial rule in the regime of Britishers. The contemporary framework of the legal system in India is specifically pointed down in the Constitution of India where tremendous levels of the judiciary are elucidated in a hierarchical setup of establishments. These courts are majorly pointed above but will be elucidated in a pragmatic appearance below followed by a detail explanation of their functioning.

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The apex judicial authority of the country i.e., the Supreme Court of India came into existence on the January 28th of 1950. It came into existence after substituting the two of them, the federal court system and the judicial committee of the privy council which were legitimately the supreme authority of the Indian court system at that time. The honourable Constitution structured in 1950 envisioned a little transformed civil court system. In the said specific, the highest court of appeal was the Supreme Court with a Chief Justice and 7 additional justices. nevertheless, the parliament of India assented the authority to increase the number of judges in the approaching years. In the contemporary situation, post the commencement of the Supreme Court (Number of Judges) Bill of 2019 into law, the judicial strength has been increased to 34 in number. The sanctioned strength of Supreme Court judges was increased days after the Chief Justice wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to increase the number of judges in the top court.

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The aforesaid acts as an adjudicator and interpreter which can be elaborated with the help of different jurisdictions bestowed with the court. The roles of the apex legal authority as an adjudicator and interpreter can be clearly understood through the original and appellate jurisdictions.

As enshrined under the Article 131 of the Constitution of India [1], the Supreme Court is granted with the original jurisdiction. This power of jurisdiction is exercised to adjudicate the disputes between Union and one or more states and between two or more states. The respectful must involve some question of law or fact on which the existence or extent of legal rights can be adjudicated. For an illustration; River disputes between 2 or more states.

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As enshrined under the Article 32 of the Constitution of India [2], extends a wide-ranging original jurisdiction to the Supreme Court for the enforcement of fundamental rights of the citizens, through issuing directions, orders and writs. The latter is more commonly titled as, the ‘Writ Jurisdiction’. The appellate jurisdiction residing with the apex court of India can be prayed by an order approved by the high court. Appeals submitted to the honourable supreme court against the lower court of appeals can range from any judgement, decree or final order of the Court in both criminal and civil cases. Moreover, asper the Article 136 of the Constitution of India [3] the supreme court can even practice the wide appellate jurisdiction over all Courts and Tribunals. Underneath with its own sense of discretion, the Hon’ble Court may assent a special leave appeal to any decree, determination, judgment, order or sentence in any cause or matter passed or made by any Court within its own jurisdiction.

Alongside being an interpreter, as enshrined under Article 143 of the Constitution [4], the court of the highest appeal also acts as an advisor to the Hon’ble President of the Union of India. The official title for the said is “Presidential Reference” and is named as the ‘Advisory jurisdiction’ of the Court. With its proclamation, the supreme commander of the defence forces will have a choice to seek advice from the supreme court over a legitimate question of law or matter of public importance. Notwithstanding to the factum, it is in no needs and deeds absolutely binding over the highest legal authority to answer all of the questions. The reasons of rejection would be acknowledged if they stand in the fire line of political or socio-economic in nature.

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The union of republic of India comprises of 24 major High Courts at the states and UT’s level, each and every high court encompasses jurisdiction over a specific UT, one single state, or more than a single state or UT. Subsequent to the supreme court, the high courts are also the courts of record which enshrines them the power to punish for the contempt made to them. The very first high court of republic of India was the Calcutta High Court.

The High Courts of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras possess an original jurisdiction over the civil and criminal cases arising across their territorial jurisdiction. The Hon’ble High Courts enjoy the treat of power to hear civil cases concerning property worth over Rs.20000. Petitions on elections are also entitled to be heard in the High Courts. They are empowered to issue writs [habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and certiorari for enforcement of fundamental and other rights] under the Article 226 of the Constitution of India [1] and the matters of these writs unlike of the supreme court can even go beyond the umbrella of just fundamental rights; making its scope of authority wider than that of the Hon’ble apex court of the country.

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If any individual finds the decision delivered by the respectful lower courts unsatisfactory, the concerned individual under the Appellate Jurisdiction of the High Court can make his submissions again with a proper procedure inscribed by law. An appeal can also be made from the subordinate court directly if the dispute involves a value higher than Rs. 5000/- or on a question of fact or law. They even possess a power of judicial review, the said provides the court of record to declare any law or ordinance null and void i.e., unconstitutional.


Underneath the functioning of high courts and the supreme court, in order to dispense justice at the very lower or district level, certain lower judicial bodies are incorporated. These lower judicial bodies are popularly known as the lower courts and comprise of; district and sub-ordinate courts. Each specific state is divided into some judicial districts whose authority is on the shoulders of the ‘District and Sessions Judge’. They are titled as District Judge in the civil related matter and in the criminal cases, the judges are termed as a Sessions Judge.

A District Judge is also known to be as a ‘Metropolitan Sessions Judge’ when the concerned holds a chair of a district court prevailing its jurisdiction in a metropolitan area. District judges may even dispense their authorities with Additional District judges, depending upon the judicial workload over the respectful court. Hon’ble District Judge is the highest judicial authority after the Hon’ble justice of a High Court. In some special cases, the presence of lower judicial authorities which are even lower than that of a District Court and the same are called as, Munsif’s Courts and Small Causes Courts. The aforesaid courts only have an original jurisdiction and can hear suits concerning only small amount matters therefore, they possess a very less pecuniary jurisdiction.

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An additional district or a district court in the civil and criminal matters of its own district empowers and practices jurisdiction on both the sides, be it original or appellate. In the civil cases, the pecuniary and the territorial jurisdiction of these courts are totally and absolutely regulated by the concerned state enactments. In the case if criminal matters, the exclusive jurisdiction comes from the CrPC[1].

The district court comprises an appellate jurisdiction over all the lower courts within its own jurisdiction. Few special specific matters of the civil or criminal cases cannot be submitted in a court whose jurisdiction is lower than that of a district i.e., District Court.  An individual if left unsatisfactory can approach the Hon’ble high court under the umbrella of the appellant jurisdiction.

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[1] Code Crim. Proc.

[1] India Const. art. 226.

[1] India Const. art. 131.

[2] India Const. art. 32.

[3] India Const. art. 136.

[4] India Const. art. 143.


Insider Trading in view of the order by SEBI to ban Future group

By: Vatsal Mehrotra


Insider trading can be defined as buying or selling of a public company stocks by a person who has non-public and material information about that company or the management decisions to be taken by that company. Depending on when the insider makes the trade, Insider Trading can be categorized as legal or illegal. Material non-public information is defined as any information that could substantially impact an investor’s decision to buy or sell the security that has not been made available to the public yet. This information is largely used in the stock market which engages in trade of shares and securities. The prices for which are subject to fluctuation if there is any important change in the management of the company. Apart from this the fluctuation in the prices of the shares of that company in the stock market, is also visible when important decisions pertaining to mergers, acquisitions or takeovers are undertaken in the company. Knowledge of these changes without the official public announcements is beneficial for the people engaging in such illegal transactions of stocks.

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It is considered one of the most serious crimes in the capital markets as the inside trader has traded undisclosed price sensitive information regarding the shares of that particular company.
However, if the said trade is done towards any regulatory authority or the prescribed authority then the same trade would not amount to any violation of law. In academic circles the idea of insider trading is still debatable as academicians under circumstances feel that insider trading is important for building the trust and confidence of the employees of the company towards the company. Therefore, one must be careful while treating a trade in securities of a company as insider trading. They must consider all the relevant factors like the nature of information, the existence of substantial connection with the company, etc.

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Insider Trading in India

The reason insider trading is considered illegal in law is that it gives a person an unfair advantage and persons not having that advantage cannot trade and will be under loss. Moreover, fair opportunity which shall be granted to everyone trading in the stock market to buy and sell the shares will be lost and the holder of the illegal information shall be creating unfair transactions. To counter such a situation, the legislature passed Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (SEBI Act, 1992), in which, under section 15G, for insider trading was provided.

The penalty for such an offence was provided to be not less than ten lakh rupees which may extend to twenty-five crores rupees or three times the profit made on such trading. In fact, the SEBI regulations have been amended from time to time. After Hindustan Lever Ltd v. SEBI, (1998) 18 S.C.L. 311AA, the regulations were for the first time amended in 2002 after which the next set of amendments came in 2019 on the recommendations of the Fair Market Committee (FMC). While the most recent reform came after the meeting of the SEBI on 25th June, 2020, where maintaining a structured database containing the nature of unpublished price sensitive information (UPSI) along with the name of the person sharing such information was incorporated.

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Future Group and Insider Trading ban

SEBI on 3rd February, 2021, banned Kishore Biyani, founder of Future Retail Groups from buying, selling, or dealing in securities of Future Retail for two years. His brother Anil along with several other entities were also banned. This was done in relation to a case filed back in 2017 where enquiry was called in the use of UPSI to trade in Future Retail shares. The SEBI found out that several entities Future Corporate Resources Pvt. Ltd (FCRL), FCRL Employee Welfare Trust, etc., were acting in connivance with the Biyani family for insider trading.

The order stated that the Biyani-family controlled entities were in violation of the regulatory mechanism as they had indulged in insider trading in the shares of group flagship Future Retail Ltd (FRL) prior to an announcement about the consolidation of the group’s offline and online home retail business into a single entity. Following the announcement in April 2017, shares of Future Retail hit a record high. The price of the scrip of FRL increased 4.68% from Rest. 292.60/- per share (closing price on April 19, 2017) to Rs.306.30/- per share (closing price on April 20, 2017).

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The order had also clarified that “When a person who has traded in securities has been in possession of unpublished price sensitive information, his trades would be presumed to have been motivated by the knowledge and awareness of such information in his possession. The reasons for which he trades or the purposes to which he applies the proceeds of the transactions are not intended to be relevant for determining whether a person has violated the regulation. He traded when in possession of unpublished price sensitive information is what would need to be demonstrated at the outset to bring a charge.”

In April, 2017, the Future Retails Group consolidated its home retail business, offline operated by its HomeTown stores while online and ecommerce by Blue eServices which owns and manages fabfurnish. This was done to bring “greater visibility on the performance of the home retail business and e-commerce home retail business”. However, Biyani and other related entities started buying FRL shares from March 10th, 2017 when the decision was internally improved even though this was made public on April 20th, 2017 during market hours.
The funds for purchase of the FRL shares during the UPSI period was done on the written instructions and authorization by Kishore Biyani and Anil Biyani to their stockbroker Indiabulls. SEBI fined them heavily for this holding the entities guilty of the crime of insider trading.

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However, on 6th February, 2021, the ban by the SEBI was challenged and Kishore Biyani moved the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) challenging the ban. In fact, the FRL spokesperson has said “On merits, the SEBI order is untenable since it treats a well-anticipated and publicly well-known impending reorganisation of the home furnishing businesses that the Future Group affected in 2017 to be unpublished information.”

Approach of the Courts in Insider Trading Matter

The juridical approach has always been such that inside traders have been dealt strictly in accordance with law. In Securities Exchange Commission v Rajat Gupta ,747 F.3d 111, the defendant had traded in confidential information worth in billions and he was convicted for a period of two years and fined five million dollars along with returning the profits gained from insider trading.
Gujarat NRE Mineral Resource Limited v. SEBI, (Appeal No. 207 of 2010 decided on 18.11.2011), the main issue was whether investment from one company and selling it to the other company affects the prices of shares. The Appellate Tribunal decided against it as it held that since an investment company’s primary objective is buying and selling of securities, such an act would not amount to price sensitive information. After Hindustan
Hindustan Lever Limited v. SEBI, (1998 SCL 311), the regulations were amended by the SEBI in such a manner that any speculative news published in the newspaper or in electronic media about a company would not amount to publication of price sensitive information.

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Recommendations to improve regulations against Insider trading

The harmful effects of insider trading is disruptive for the market and certain measures can be taken to prevent such incidents. To prevent such incidents the stock exchanges play a very important role and the proactive approach by them can help by duly monitoring the transactions by the insiders constantly and instantly reporting any suspicious activity by the insider to the SEBI. Furthermore, the regulations can be amended to impose liability on the person who receives the tip for trading in confidential information. Other than that the investors who are contemporaneously trading at the time of insider trading must be given the option to recover the losses suffered from the insider.
Rachana Panguluru, Vamsi Krishna Bodapati, Insider Trading- Comparative study with the UK and India, Manupatra.
This action might refrain the insiders from insider trading because many investors can exercise pressure on the insiders. The companies can also have qualified stock brokers who they make mandatory for all the insiders to purchase stocks only through that particular broker. The qualified broker will check whether the insider purchasing the stock satisfied all the conditions preceding the purchase or not and duly report them to the company.

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Nonetheless, the efforts undertaken by SEBI to prevent insider trading is commendable and has helped India emerge as a top player in the capital market and its insider trading prohibition laws are equally competing with such laws in the developed countries. SEBI time and again constituted committees to have the regulations and laws on the prohibition of insider trading updated. It is constantly on a run in updating all the laws to prevent insider trading. SEBI started observing the markets to get rid of the insider trading activities at the root level itself.

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Racism In Sports: International Laws & Rules From Various Jurisdictions

By: Umang Chaturvedi


“Why are all the angels white?

Why ain’t there no black angels?”

                                                        -Muhammad Ali


Sports have acted as a medium to connect people beyond language, ethnicity, culture and boundaries. In its pure sense, it is a satisfying activity at the micro-level and nothing less than a war at the macro level. The scale of competition increases with the hierarchy and so does the complexities. Some athletes and sportspersons are revered equivalent to Gods in their respective fraternity by the public. This respect is gained by them because of the magnanimity of sports. The business that goes behind the curtains has resulted in this magnanimity. But these Gods within the ambit of their magnanimity have not been untouched to the social issues which normally go unnoticed. Issues like racism in sports are not done yet from the world let alone the sporting facility. This article elucidates the reasons of racism present in professional sports with an attempt to define the core and genesis of the problem.

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The author explains the legislations/law which helps to counter this problem at global level. Additionally, the author has tried to provide an analysis through the cases of international performers who were subjected to racism in their careers. Certainly, the issue of disparity on the basis of colour begins within the nations. The problems are much more than racism being a ground of discrimination. In a country like India the issues even extend to discrimination on the basis of caste, sub-caste, race, gender, sex, etc.

  1. Introduction

Racism is defined as “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race[1] by the Merriam Webster dictionary. Senseless killings and instances of Eric Garner (2014), AhmaudArbery (February 2020), Breonna Taylor (March, 2020) and George Flyod (May 2020) have witnessed sports community coming together to support the right cause irrespective of differences. Such issues force athletes to speak effectively as they do not want to go unheard for the social cause. LeBron James, Stephen Curry, James Harden, etc. are some of the most vocal NBA players after the recent incidents occurred. Other figures from different sports that have been vocal are Lewis Hamilton, Colin Kaepernick etc. They have supported the cause too.

The problem has not been untouched to the fraternity of sports. Rather it is more rampant. Any act within the territorial boundary of a competitive sport can be disguised as an act in the heat of the momentby the offender. Calm and composure are expected the most out of an athlete and sportsperson. These acts from the coolpeople then cannot be covered under the garb of competition or heat of the moment.

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  1. Core Problem

With cricket being popular as the game of gentlemen, it upsets the fraternity when conflicting views are shared by somebody belonging to the game itself. In late June 2020, West Indies cricket team’s captain Jason Holder said, “it is time for the entire cricketing fraternity to treat racism as seriously as match-fixing or doping and to hand tougher bans on racial offenders.[2] Such statements point fingers at the authorities and the incapability of sport-specific laws which need to get stricter.

The core of the problem is the chauvinism that a superior country’s men carry with them. Such stereotypes are broken easily when a deprived and dominated wins or creates his/her space in the sport bare minimum. In context, 2013’s Chadwick Boseman starrer sports-drama film, “42[3] came in light. It highlighted the efforts of an African-American Major League Professional player Jackie Robinson who was subjected to racism in a then all-white baseball league by fellow players and fans. His jersey number was later retired in respect, on which the film’s name was based.To draw a parallel from the same, the core of the issue lies within the people of the sporting fraternity. Everybody associated with it especially the fans.

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  1. Laws, legislations and efforts

Issues raised through acts done by black athletes are certainly to bring into light the adversities they’ve faced over the course of history. These issues are political in nature which overlaps with sports. This overlap has its own interpretation where some define it to be right and other define it to be wrong. “Dissent in sports is usually understood as expressing dissatisfaction against an umpire’s decision. However, in the present context, dissent must be understood as a conscientious protest against a larger problem that has socio-political undertones.”[4] In this sub-heading, the author has tried to analyze various measure and steps taken by the way of local laws of different jurisdictions. The examples considered for study include and are categorized into Australian laws, European laws and initiatives, Conventions of United Nations, laws of USA and Indian laws.

  1. Australia

The provisions of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (“ICERD”)[5] are incorporated under Australian Law through its Racial Discriminations Act of 1975. It is a general legislation extending to sports and related organizations. Australian Football League (AFL) guidelines are strict regarding racism since the introduction of Rule 30 in 1995. Rule 30 is used to tackle racism and religious vilification. Even the laws of Australia are stringent regarding racism in general through Racial Discrimination Act, 1975 and Racial Hatred Act, 1995[6].

In 2008, Indian spinner (cricketer) Harbhajan Singh was penalized for allegedly expressing racial views on an Australian cricketer Andrew Symonds when the former called him ‘monkey’ during a test match in Australia. This embarrassing event was a confusing one. It was deliberated if the act was racial or not because the remark clearly did not qualify for the alleged violation but it was still derogatory. Eventually Justice John Hansen of Australian Appeal Court absolved the cricketer of liability and cleared the charges. What adds to the problem is that a spectator cannot be banned or fined for comments because that is the major revenue generation source for clubs. Australian local football has seen various instances where boys aged 12-14 who come from other countries to make their career face racism at a vulnerable stage.[7]

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  1. Europe

Europe has been the center stage for football with record breaking viewership every year. Multiple local leagues are supported due to interest and large fan base. As a cherry on the top, UEFA Europa League and UEFA Champions League have dominated global football in all terms. There are multiple organizations and legislations which help in tackling the problem in Europe. FARE (Football Against Racism in Europe) Network is one such organization which has received backing from governing bodies like UEFA, FIFA and European Commission for the common objective of eradicating the social issue. Headquartered in London, it was set up in the year 1999 at Vienna (Austria). It gained relevance in the contemporary scenario when it began to work as a network of enthusiasts, players, associations, etc. as members to stand strong against the discrimination.

A similar initiative as a 3 day campaign was launched in 2006 by the Romanian Football Federation in association with National Council for Combating Discrimination (a society-institute based in Romania). It was named Racism Breaks the Game which was organized to combat discrimination against the Romani minority and to promote fair play in football. Even UEFA DR Article 14[8] prohibits racism of any form and prescribes ways to tackle it through guidelines. Article 165 of Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) also acts in the same regard. It deals with all such issues arising out of sports. Lisbon Treaty though allows the Union for minimal interference but acts strictly through courts for cases arising out of racism.

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  1. United Nations and United States of America (USA)

United Nations has time and again used sports as a mode to end racism at global level. It was reiterated by then Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that, “Sport is a universal activity that can reaffirm our fundamental human rights.”[9]He urged to “use the power of sport to end the blight of racism” as it marked the annual International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in 2013.Additionally, The Durban Programme of Action 2001 in paragraph 128, 129 and 218 urges international and national sports bodies to tackle racism effectively. Inter-American Convention against Racism, Racial Discrimination and Related Forms of Intolerance, 2013[10] is another internationally signed document.

In USA, the Patsy Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Federal Act, 1972 complements the Civil Rights Act, 1964 “in the area of public education and federally assisted programmes (enacted to end discrimination in various fields)”[11]. The legislation has ensured equal access to sports for all active programmes that receive federal funding in USA[12]. Even after attaining peak of success in sports, public and spectators disregard such facts and direct racist comments in NBA, Pro Baseball and NFL. In early 2019 Oklahoma’s basketball star Russell Westbrook faced racist remarks in an away game at Utah.

  1. India

India is a home to multiple sports and professional leagues like IPL, ISL, IHL, Pro-Kabaddi etc. The country is more special due to its diversity. Additionally the essence of regional representation varies. There are sub-divisions and regions within regions. Even a whole north-east is described into 7 sisters further. South, in itself is divided in historical kingdoms now states. This division is interesting but when people from different backgrounds face each other in state/national camps, there are conflicts of opinions, likes, dislikes which might be detrimental in the longer run for a team representing at the international level.

The best example can be drawn from 2007’s Indian film Chak De! India. Shah Rukh Khan embodied the role of hockey coach Maharaj Krishan Kaushik mixed with the background of Indian player Mir Ranjan Negi. The film was based on a real story where Indian Women’s Hockey Team won 2002 Commonwealth Games. It showed the reality of internal conflicts (due to colour, region, state, racial and religious bigotry[13] etc.) between players during the camp.

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India introduced the Anti-Discrimination and Equality Bill 2016 (ADE Bill) in the Lok Sabha to tackle any form of discrimination. Other than broad discussions under Article 14, 15, 16 of the Constitution of India, federations are entrusted with the duty to handle all issues relating to sports. Additionally, Section 153A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 deals with the punitive measure related to racist acts or comments.

  1. Conclusion – Solution and Criticism

In all, the issue of racism has proven to be detrimental to the development of some athletes but there are many amazingly great sportspersons who have defeated all odds and reached the top in their respective sports. The problem is deep rooted in the social system which comprises of humans, which is a much broader aspect than society. It includes athletes, sportspersons and all other people related to the fraternity of sports in one way or other. To eradicate the issue of racism from sports, the primary need is to make people realise that there are no differences in reality, they are essentially in the mind of individuals and their beliefs, which is prima facie incorrect.

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Until the mentality of important organizations like IOC does not change, no substantial change can be found. The controversial Rule 50 of the Olympic Charter prohibits any “kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda…in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas”. It was clarified by the authorities in January 2020 in preparation of scheduled Olympics that any gesture or kneeling (like past incidents of Gwen Berry’s fist on podium and Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling) will not be entertained at the events.

Until IOC resolves issues like these where the anti-racist demonstration are looked at from a perspective of political overlap, there won’t be a solution. The international sports guidelines in context with racism are soft but strict. Still there is a requirement for spectators, fellow players and organizations to be careful specifically around the young representatives of respective sports. A negative impression is made for a second inside the court/field which stays and impacts a vulnerable young player for his whole life. Sports should be used as a medium for the primary purpose of leisure and shall only be associated with the efforts, hard-work, dedication and sweet success involved.

[1]Racism, Merriam-Webster Dictionary (Jan. 23, 2009).

[2]Sportstar, Jason Holder: Racism Should be Treated as Seriously as Match-Fixing and Doping, (June 28, 2020), 937748.ece.

[3], Jackie Robinson Breaks Color Barrier, (April 13, 2020),,for%20more% 20than%2050%20years.

[4]Shivam Singh, When Sports Align With Dissent, The Indian Express, (June 26, 2020),

[5]Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, What’s the Score?A Survey of Cultural Diversity and Racism in Australian Sport, (2006), p. 8,


[7]Sophie Kesteven, Kids are Being Subjected to Racist Abuse at Junior Sports Games, ABC Radio National, (Nov 1, 2019),

[8]UEFA Disciplinary Regulation, 2019 Edition, 3983e-1000/disciplinary_regs.pdf.

[9]UN News, No Place for Racism in Sports, UN Declares on International Day, (March 21, 2013),

[10]Organisation of American States, Inter-American Convention Against Racism, Racial Discrimination an Related Forms of Intolerance,

[11]ACLU, Gender Equity in Education,

[12]U.N. GAOR, 69th Sess., A/69/340, Combating Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and related intolerance, (Aug. 22, 2014),

[13]Jaspreet Pandohar, Chak De India! BBC, (August 1, 2007), de_india_2007_review.shtml.

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Comparative Study of Drugs and Cosmetics Law In U.K., U.S.A And Germany

By: Vanshika Tewari


Human culture is formulated on the basis of ethical society, honesty, integrity, respect, pursuit of excellence, civic duty, accountability and loyalty. Since the dawn of civilization , by trial or error, it has been established that a society and more so it’s medical profession, can survive and thrive only by observance and practice  of certain rules of conduct guided by ethical, moral, legal and social values of land. Medicine has been a field of utmost diligence and even though so many centuries have passed, this profession still holds its merit and authenticity. Further, the need for certain rules and legislative statutes governing the establishment and working of hospitals and its manpower was aggrieved at the time of the colonial regime and the World War scenario. Presently,  there are various other laws pertaining to the governing of hospitals, practitioners/ other employees, sale and storage of the drugs, license and permissions , public and environmental health ,etc.

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Every nation has certain laws that help them in maintaining the standard quality of its drugs and cosmetics and as well as regulates its manufacturing, labelling, export,etc.

In this report we shall further talk about how countries like USA, Germany and United Kingdom regulate their medicines and also compare the methodology they have applied in maintaining and meeting the global health standards for their own produced drugs and cosmetics.



In spite of the fact that planned to happen from March 29, 2019, the Brexit has now deferred to October 31, 2019. The choice is expected to give more opportunity to the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) to concur upon the provisions of the UK leaving the EU.

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Up to this point, the EU guidelines straightforwardly influenced the restorative items that are appropriated in the UK. In any case, with the Brexit in situation, they are not, at this point expected to be appropriate in the UK locale as the UK is required to be treated as a third nation. In basic words, the UK won’t need to conform to the guidelines pertinent to the EU part states. Consequently, to line up with the Brexit changes, for Cosmetic items, some new laws have been laid before the UK parliament.[1]

United Kingdom has for ages been a part of the European Union and therefore the gudlines laid down by the EU for the working and regulation of this sector was to be followed and obligated too but earlier in 2019 after the BREXIT happened U.K. has given up with the E.U’s guidelines and framing their own laws pertaining to this, like –

The UK Cosmetic Regulations Draft, The Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association (CTPA) has proposed the UK Cosmetic Products Statutory Instrument to the UK parliament to guarantee that post the Brexit just safe corrective items are circulated in the UK. The new draft will be in accordance with that of the EU’s including the rundown of prohibited and confined fixings.

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To enter the UK beautifiers showcase, organizations will be required to delegate a UK-based Responsible Person (RP), who is relied upon to tell the item to the capable position. To ensure the notice procedure smoothed out, the CTPA is by all accounts during the time spent structure the necessary item notice entrance for the UK like that of the Cosmetic Product Notification Portal (CPNP) of the EU.[2]

Once Brexit happens, all the corrective items told to the EU through CPNP are required to be informed to the UK notice framework inside ninety (90) days. Following are the pre-necessities for informing an item in the UK-

The name and category of the cosmetic product

The name and address of the responsible person

The content and ingredients of the product

What more! – the name of a restorative item should likewise bear the name and address of the Responsible Person. Post Brexit, restorative items marked with an EU-27 location and consistent with the EU naming guideline will be viewed as agreeable for a long time in the UK. If there should be an occurrence of imports additionally, the UK should consent to the import guidelines of the EU.

But still the restorative guidelines of both the districts are as of now muddled!

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In the United States, all drugs and cosmetics are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under authority granted by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938.

The extent of FDA’s administrative authority is wide. FDA’s duties are firmly identified with those of a few other government organizations. Regularly disappointing and mistaking for customers is deciding the proper administrative organization to contact.

As a rule, FDA controls:[3]

  • Medications,

Including: doctor prescribed medications (both brand-name and conventional) ,non-solution (over-the-counter) drugs ,Biologics, including:  immunizations for people ,blood and blood items ,cell and quality treatment items tissue ,and tissue items allergenics

  • Clinical Devices,

Including:  basic things like tongue depressors and chamber pots  complex advances, for example, heart pacemakers dental gadgets ,careful inserts and prosthetics.

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FDA’s legitimate authority over makeup is not the same as our position over different items we manage, for example, drugs, biologics, and clinical gadgets. Under the law, corrective items and fixings needn’t bother with FDA premarket endorsement, except for shading added substances. In any case, FDA can seek after implementation activity against items available that are not in consistence with the law, or against firms or people who abuse the law.

FDA has reliably exhorted makers to utilize whatever testing is important to guarantee the security of their items and fixings. Firms may prove security in various manners. FDA has expressed that “the security of an item can be enough validated through (a) dependence on effectively accessible toxicological test information on singular fixings and on item plans that are comparable in structure to the specific corrective, and (b) execution of any extra toxicological and different tests that are proper considering such existing information and data.”[4]

FDA may make administrative move in the event that we have solid data demonstrating that a restorative is tainted or misbranded. For instance, FDA can seek after activity through the Department of Justice in the government court framework to expel defiled and misbranded beautifying agents from the market. To forestall further shipment of a defiled or misbranded item, FDA may demand a government area court to give a limiting request against the producer or merchant of the violative restorative. Beautifying agents that are not in consistence with the law might be dependent upon seizure. “Seizure” implies that the administration claims property from somebody who has disregarded the law, or is associated with doing as such. FDA additionally may start criminal activity against an individual abusing the law.

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Germany is an integral part of the European Union and this is why the medical manufacturing sector here is ruled by the guidelines laid by the EU itself, following are some of the guidelines being put to use so far-

  • Corrective/Cosmetics/Drugstore items are dependent upon EU wide wellbeing guidelines. They should not be obligated to make harm human wellbeing, when applied under ordinary states of utilization or under sensibly predictable states of utilization.
  • It is a criminal offense to flexibly restorative items which don’t consent to the guidelines or neglect to agree to other related prerequisites.
  • All organizations managing in beautifying agents, including retailers, wholesalers, shippers and producers, are dependent upon the guidelines,etc.

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The guidelines place various commitments relying upon whether you are a ‘merchant’ (which incorporates retailers and wholesalers) or you import items from outside the EU / Germany and makers.

On the off chance that you are a maker in the EU, or you import products into the EU from a third nation, at that point you are considered to be a mindful individual and more prominent obligations will concern you. A maker outside the EU may assign somebody inside the EU as a mindful individual.

Organizations managing in skin lighteners, and certain germicidal cleanser items, ought to be especially cautious as there are loads of illicit variants of these items. Further direction on these is accessible.

Primary lawful prerequisites

Corrective items must follow point by point compositional and naming prerequisites.

You should track where you acquired your beautifying agents from and, in the event that you offer them to different organizations, who you provided them as well. These must be accessible for review for a long time from when you were provided with them or, if material, when you provided them

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Distributors must act with due consideration including guaranteeing items are not obsolete. Specifically, you should watch that beautifying agents are named with;

o The name and address of a responsible person in the EU

o A batch or manufacture reference number

o An ingredients list. This must be headed ‘ingredients’

More than 1,300 substances are precluded from being utilized in corrective items. For instance, chlorine, cyanides, iodine, mercury and mercury mixes, for example, mercuric iodide. Note that skin helping creams contain hydroquinone are likewise illicit.

Any items with Corticosteroid substances like Clobetasol Propionate, Bethamethasone or Bethamethosone Dipropionate must not be at a bargain in corrective shops. Flexibly of such items may likewise be an offense under medications enactment.

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The guidelines pertaining to the drugs and cosmetics regulations in these three different countries appear to be quite similar but however, there were discrepancies for certain recommendations relating to the labelling, circulation, offender liability, permitted chemicals, etc.

Updates for these guidelines are being worked upon in almost all these countries , although United Kingdom would be framing its own and new set of medicinal guidelines and acts ,it can be said that all these countries are primary contributors in the field of medicine and as of now they all have strong legislations to backbone their Drugs and Cosmetic standards and regulation but there is enough evidence that may lead them to stronger statutes and will enable the future guidelines to become even more concordant. As with the intensive research done and developments being made , a slight moderation of the acts maybe needed.[5]

At the end we can say that these three countries have almost similar provisions for the regulation of drugs within their territory but unlike Germany (EU), U.S.A. may be a step behind as it is majorly functioning on only one statute ,whereas there should be different acts dealing with the different sections of the drugs and cosmetics field. It will in a way improve the efficiency in terms of the proper vigilance that this sector needs.

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Presently, United Kingdom is witnessing its post- BREXIT era and therefore trying to not really comply with the European Union guidelines it is laying down its own provisions. As the Brexit happened in 2019, it would not really be this quick and easy to formulate strong medicinal laws, therefore no comparison can be drawn with regards to U.K. but it is sure that the U.K.  Parliament will soon frame a law which would meet all the perimeters  required for a stronger Medical (Drugs and Cosmetics) regulating sector.




[4] The Safety and Regulatory Status of Food, Drug and Cosmetics Colour Additives Exempt from Certification


*International Association of Color Manufacturers, 1620 1 Street, NW, Suite 925, Washington, DC 20006, 10 January 1995

[5] APA Koes, Bart W., PhD*; van Tulder, Maurits W., PhD†; Ostelo, Raymond, MSc‡; Kim Burton, A., PhD, DO§; Waddell, Gordon, DSc, MD, FRCS∥ Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Low Back Pain in Primary Care: An International Comparison, Spine: November 15, 2001 – Volume 26 – Issue 22 – p 2504-2513

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Employment Contracts

By: Arundathi Mandyam 

In India, there is not much light thrown on the agreements which bind the Employer-Employee relationship. There have always been issues regarding the relationship between the Employer and the Employee, to which resolve is found only through legal discussions. The laws hold within themselves various areas in their scope which not only discusses the contractual relation of an Employer and his Employee but also other various clauses. In this article we will discuss all the contracts an employer and employee are bound by and the various other clauses that are covered under.

Contract as defined in the Indian Contract Act, 1872 is a contract of employment for the exchange of remuneration for a period of time. Employment contract is a form of contract recognized by court as the social relationship of the employer and employee as opposed to other contracts.

Like any other contract in India, Employment contract too contains Offer, Acceptance, Consideration, Competent Parties, Legal Object and Free Consent as the essentials of the contract.

As the complexities increase in the field of employment, the various matters such as breach of fiduciary responsibilities, corporate law non-compliance, corporate defamation took distinction between White Collar jobs (deals with the administration and board) and the Blue Collar Jobs (which deal with the manual labor.)

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The employment related issues can be grouped as under,

  1. Pre-Hire
  2. During Employment
  • Termination
  1. Post- Termination

As the title suggests, any dispute which arises before the hiring of the employee amounts to Pre-Hire disputes between the Employer and the Employee. This kind of disputes arises when an employee falsely represents himself and fraudulently tries to win a position in the employment. When the employer learns about the fraud of the employee he loses trust and there will not be a friendly relation between the employer and the employee hence giving rise to dispute. This dispute can only be resolved through litigation and not through any other medium.

From the employer’s end the dispute arises when the employer takes back the notice of offer from the employee before the employer starts his employment.

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The dispute arising out of the misconduct of the employee or dissatisfactory performance in the employment is the dispute during the employment. These disputes are classified under two heads, they are:  (a) Employment Related Disputes and (b) Disputes Relating to Restrictive Covenants during Employment.

Employment related Disputes cover under them the misconduct of the employees, disciplinary actions of the employees to guard the interest of the organization, under performance, breach of terms, insider trading, and criminal indulgence and so on.

Restrictive Covenants during Employment which are non-compete result dispute between the employer and employee whereas Restrictive Covenants during Employment which are non-disclosure do not.


Basically there are two types of Termination- Voluntary Termination and Involuntary Termination.

There are lesser chances of disputes when in case of termination (in the form of resignation or retirement) by the employee. Dispute arises when an employer involuntarily terminates the contract of employment with the employee on the basis of the misconduct or indiscipline of the employee. In such cases, the matters shall be resolved in the courts and the burden of proof to prove the misconduct of the employee and evidence for his termination of the employee lies on the employer.


Modern day employment contracts give place to restrictive covenants restraining employees from joining new employment even after the termination of the previous employment. This gives rise to the dispute between the employer and the employee post the termination.

These disputes too shall resort in the courts and nowhere else.

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In India, the employment contract of restrictive covenants which is operative post the termination of the employee is unenforceable and void. It is against the public policy since it is prohibited by the law of the Indian Courts.

In Pepsi food Ltd and Ors Vs. Bharat Coca-Cola Holdings Pvt. Ltd and Ors[1] (1991) it has been held that, “post termination restraint on an employee is in violation of Section 27 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. A contract containing such a clause is unenforceable, void and against public policy and since it is prohibited by law it cannot be allowed by the Courts injunction. If such injunction was to be granted, it would directly curtail the freedom of employees for improving their future prospects by changing their employment and such a right cannot be restricted by an injunction. It would almost be a situation of “economic terrorism creating a situation alike to that of bonded labor”.


  1. Serving the employee with a legal notice.
  2. Seeking enforcement of undertaking or encashment of cheque based on clauses of the agreement.
  3. Initiating civil suit seeking injunction or specific performance of contract as well as damages.
  4. While damages are a remedy that an employer may seek for the breach of confidential agreements, the same requires trial and evidence. Therefore the employer would only require injunction under the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 at the interim stage or initial if they apprehend that premature departure of an employee could cause injury to the employer.
  5. Filing suit for declaration that the acts of the employee amount to tortious interference in the business of the employer and injunction therefrom.

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Employment Contracts in India are generally considered to be of unlimited term contracts, I.e. the Contracts that are valid until the termination or superannuation unless specifically specified as a fixed term contract. While Labour legislations do not need agreements in writing it is a predominant market practice to have all terms and conditions of the employment agreed and signed by both the employer and the employee.


Until recently government of India, Had not given a go to all the sectors of the government to make permanent employees. Only the apparel manufacturing sector had the advantage of making their employees permanent workers.


It is permitted by Indian law to place new employees on a trial or probation period. The Industrial Employment Standing Order envisages a 3 month to 6 month probation period which is also followed by other sectors which do not fall under the IESO Act. This Probation works best in the Industrial and Technology oriented sectors in India.


In terms of labor legislation in India, “workmen” who have undertaken the least of 1 year of employment of continuous service are entitled to a notice period of 1 month or equivalent wages in lieu thereof. In addition, the employer is required to pay retrenchment compensation to the workmen. However no retrenchment or notice period is required if the employee is being dismissed for misconduct from the employee end.


The concept of Employment contract is like any other Contract. The Comprehensive Employment contract provides for the key duties and responsibilities of the employee that help him understand his job better. The main objective of an Employee Contract is to prevent disclosure of information, non-solicitation, non-competition, as well as protection of confidential information so it is always advisable to have an executed written form of Employment Contract. In practice, the employer signs the letter of appointment with the proposed employee prior entering into the contract. An appointment letter is executed in order to cover the probation period of the said employee till that employee is made permanent in the employment.

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[1] Suneeth Katharki and Mini Kapoor, India: Employment contracts- Enforcement of Restrictive Covenants under Various Jurisdictions, INDUS LAW (April 26,2016)–enforcement-of-restrictive-covenants-under-various-jurisdictions#:~:text=In%20India%2C%20an%20employment%20contract%20containing%20restrictive%20covenants,it%20cannot%20be%20allowed%20by%20the%20Indian%20courts.

[2] Archita Mohapatra, Preetha Soman, Ajay Singh Solanki and Vikram Shroff, Employment Contracts in India- Enforceability of Restrictive Covenants, Pg.No 14 (2019)


Star India Private Limited v. Leo Burnett

– By Apoorva Mishra

The plaintiffs entered into an Agreement dated 9th April, 2000 with Balaji Telefilms Pvt. Ltd., in order to create, compose and produce 262 episodes of a television serial entitled “KYUNKI SAAS BHI KABHI BAHU THI”.  Since then Balaji has produced episodes of the serial and their services were engaged by way of contract of service and as such the plaintiffs are the first copyright owners under Section 17 of the Copyright Act. Balaji has devised the original artistic work depicting inter alia the logo and the title in a peculiar stylized font and containing as its essential features the words “KYUN KI SAAS BHI KABHI BAHU THI” and as per the agreement plaintiffs have become the owner of the said artistic work. The serial had acquired immense goodwill and reputation so much so that the public associate the said serial with plaintiffs and plaintiffs alone. Plaintiffs started endorsing the serial and the characters in form of products and services for a fee. In February 2002, the defendants came up with the commercial for a consumer product “TIDE DETERGENT” telecasting it with a title, “KYONKI BAHU BHI KABHI SAAS BANEGI” and characters of a grandmother, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, similar to the characters of J.D., Savita, Tulsi as in the serial of the plaintiff. The plaintiffs contended that there has been an infringement of copyright because an average viewer will have an impression that the plaintiffs are endorsing the defendant’s product and there is a connection between plaintiffs in the said serial and the defendants and their product. It is contended that the defendants are not entitled to do so without obtaining the prior consent and/or the permission from the plaintiffs and they have misrepresented the public at large and on account of this plaintiffs have suffered loss due to continuous act of infringement of copyright and passing off of the copy to the defendants.  The matter was brought before the Hon’ble Bombay High Court raising several issues:

First, Have the defendants by making the commercial film, violated and/or infringed the plaintiffs’ copyright in the T.V. serial “KYUN KI SAAS BHI KABHI BAHU THI”?

The court ruled that anything which is not a substantial copy of the film shall not be held liable for copyright infringement. Therefore, defendants by making the commercial film have not violated and/or infringed the plaintiffs’ copyright.

The court has rightly dealt with the above issue, for the second film to infringe the copyright of the first film it has to be the exact copy of that film which is not the case here. The plaintiff’s film is a work of 262 episodes whereas defendant’s advertisement is a work of 30 seconds in which only for 8 to 10 seconds the characters appear as a prelude to the tide detergent. The major and substantial part consists of tide detergent. Nothing is common between the two scripts. The defendants have put in their own independent skill and labour in making of the advertisement whole sole purpose is to promote the Tide detergent. The models are same in both the film. These models are professional and free to contract. There cannot be, therefore, any act which would amount to infringement by using the same models. Even if the idea is borrowed there, can be no copyright in the idea.

Second, Have the plaintiffs’ proved the defendants have infringed the plaintiffs’ artistic work?

The court denying the contentions of the plaintiffs coined the term Originality. Originality merely means effort expanded or that it involves skill, labour and judgment in its creation. Under Section 17 of the Copyright Act, the Author of a work is the owner of the copyright therein. The defendants have contended that the logo consisting of the two hands is a symbol in common use and in the public domain and open to anyone to use. The holding hands well known form of representing the handing over of something from one to another and are a commonly used symbol and they denied on the fact that the plaintiffs have put any skill, labour or some sort of judgement in its creation but has merely taken the lettering style from a source easily available in public domain. Hence, there is no originality, therefore no copyright.

Third, Have the plaintiff’s proved that the defendants are guilty of passing off their reputation and goodwill in the T.V. serial?

The court held that the defendants are not guilty of passing off as they do not satisfy the essentials of passing off per se. Plaintiffs’ serial is shown on Star Plus Channel which is not owned by the plaintiffs. Goodwill does not accrue to the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs have no goodwill or reputation. It is the case of the plaintiffs that their serial/film is associated exclusively with the Star Plus Channel by the public and public is well aware that it can be seen only on Star Plus. Also, the T.V. commercial will not cause any harm to the plaintiffs’ serial or their reputation because the field which the plaintiffs’ serial occupies as a film/soap opera is different from the field of defendants’ commercial that of an advertisement of detergent Tide. Even the activity area is also not in common, therefore there is no misrepresentation.

On the facts of this case, there is no fictional character involved like ‘Superman’, ‘Shaktiman’ Teletubbies’. In the serial there are ordinary people in common life who plays the role of some character or the other. At least from the material on record there is nothing special in any, of the characters of which it can be said that they have gained any public recognition for itself with an independent life outside the serial. This, the plaintiffs have failed to establish. It is also not a case of one film against another film and further the defendants are not merchandising any character from the serial by means of their T.V. commercial. There should be in actual character merchandising and not mere potential of character merchandising.

The court, after analysis the entire case, rightly pronounced the judgement in favour the defendants. The defendants are just promoting their consumer product “Tide” via a T.V. commercial which in no way is connected. The field of activity of the plaintiff and defendant are totally different. No likelihood of damage has been caused to the plaintiff. The characters of which the plaintiff claims to be copied are simple general roles of our Indian society and the defendants are simply targeting the audiences of India who will relate easily to these household roles and nothing special that the plaintiffs have done with these characters for which they claim a copyright on them. This isn’t a case of misrepresentation or fraud and no real damage has been caused. No prudent person will confuse the advertisement with plaintiffs’ serial. Moreover, for character merchandising the plaintiffs should prove that the public would look at the character and consider it to represent the plaintiffs or to consider the product in relation in which it is used as has been made with the plaintiffs’ approval. But the plaintiffs have failed to establish this. In my opinion, the defendants have rightly pleaded that they are a major consumer goods Company, well known in their own right and their products including Tide have their own reputation amongst the public; Tide will be associated with the defendants and not with the plaintiffs.

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Compulsory Licensing of Patents

– By Apoorva Mishra

Compulsory licensing is an involuntary licensing where the licensor is unwilling to grant the license to the willing licensee, but this entire agreement of compulsory licensing is enforced by the state, by which the licensor has to transfer the rightful authorization of the patent to the licensee, against all his wishes. Government is basically the protector and acts as a guardian for the public at large. Therefore, for the benefit of nation, it has the right to grant the patent and next moment take away the patent and patentee’s monopoly over it. The requirements of the society at large supersedes against the rights of the patent holder to answer the pressing public requirements. Following situations may attract compulsory licensing where IP holder:

  • Charges unfair and discriminatory prices; or
  • Limits production of goods and services; or
  • Restricts technical or scientific development of goods and services; or
  • Desecrates consumer welfare.

Internationally, compulsory licensing has been supported saying that it helps in catering to the needs of the public at large and development of developing and underdeveloped countries. Compulsory Licensing has been mandated by several agreements like WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), Paris Convention for the promotion of industrial property. TRIPS has envisaged several conditions for issuance of compulsory licensing:

  1. The person or company should apply for licensing after 3 years to the grant of patent.
  2. Before applying for compulsory licensing, the person or company should make an attempt for voluntary licensing.
  3. The person or company then should apply to the board for compulsory licensing if the proposed user has made efforts to obtain authorization from the right holder on reasonable commercial terms and conditions and that such efforts have not been successful within a reasonable period of time.

In India, we have seen a growth of many foreign companies reason being they hold knowledge and they rule the terms.  Therefore, there exists a chance that these companies can abuse their positions. Compulsory licensing of IPRs in cases of such abuses would be an apt remedy that will deter these companies from abusing their dominant positions. Keeping in mind Indian conditions compulsory licensing will spur growth and development in Indian industrial sectors. Keeping in mind the size of Indian market the incentive for innovation will not erode to the extent that might deter companies from entering in to innovative endeavours as courts have granted reasonable royalties in cases where compulsory licensing has been awarded. Compulsory licensing will make the products more accessible to public and it will be beneficial for public welfare.

The developing and the under developed countries are not much concerned about protection of patent laws as much as developed countries are because they don’t have resources to spend on development of costly mechanism to ensure protection of patents.

There are few reasons behind this:

  • by allowing piracy, developing and underdeveloped countries can ensure availability of needed goods and services to their citizens at affordable prices
  • The local industries which produce counterfeit goods employee thousands of workers and therefore reduce unemployment.
  • In order to advance in science and technology, they need maximum access to intellectual property of advanced nations.

More than 80% patents in developing and underdeveloped countries are owned by citizens of technologically advanced countries. Consequently, their governments are not willing to spend huge amounts in developing effective administrative mechanism to enforce IPRs of citizens of advanced states.

The Government will, however, pay royalty to the patent holder for using his patent without his permission, but this will in turn discourage the patent holder from making any further inventions or innovations. The discouraged Research & Development shall lead to deteriorating economic growth. The developing or under-developed countries shall refrain from investing in R & D, indirectly affecting the economy, and will settle for generic goods. This might increase the risk of goods turning into inferior quality. Ultimately, as a result of weak intellectual property regime, a country becomes less competitive, and brain drain is an obvious result.

Compulsory licensing becomes inevitable to deal with the situations of “patent suppression”. By incorporating an effective mechanism of compulsory licensing, governments of developing countries may pressurize the patent holders to work the patent to maximum national advantage. The threat of non-voluntary licensing may be helpful in negotiating a reasonable price of the needed drug acceptable to both the patent owner and the government. Compulsory licensing might be necessary in situations where its refusal may prevent utilization of another important invention which can be significant for technological advancement or economic growth.

Compulsory licensing ensures that a good number of producers or manufacturers are there to cater to the needs of society; it spurs competition and consumer welfare. Those who argue against it saying that it leads to erosion in incentive for innovation forget that a right is always accompanied by a corresponding duty, and failure to perform that duty might have its implications in law.

The abuse of patents is a very likely to occur where the patentee has its rights protected under Patent laws. The patent holder has monopoly rights but they are more likely to abuse. The patent holders are often tempted to indulge in to anti-competitive practices and they try to extend their monopoly into areas where they do not have rights protected by IPRs. Software companies like Microsoft, several pharmaceutical companies, as discussed above, are protected under the patent laws and most of the time they are the sole manufacturer. So this gives them an opportunity where they can dictate their terms over the entire market which might lead to exploitation of others right in the market. In such a scenario, compulsory licensing comes into play, which acts as a remedy to abuse of patents, where government intervention leads to increase in the versatility of the market leading to a monopolistic market rather than a monopoly, the consumers have a choice and the product will be easily available, where the opponents have argued that compulsory licensing will lead to discouragement for innovations, but this also true that this will lead to a heated competition, which will in return lead to a peer pressure over the patent holder to work more over his product, get distributers, improve his research and product and make it available to the public at large. This will lead to an increase in the economy. There are reasonable apprehensions that FDI may dry up if compulsory licensing is granted as a remedy, to that essential facility doctrine must be adopted, so that only what is essential and necessary should prevail.

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Case study on Bayer Corporation v. Union Of India

– By Apoorva Mishra


  • The writ petitioner in the case was Bayer Corporation. The second respondent in the case was the DCGI and the third respondent was Cipla.
  • The Indian Patent Office had granted the petitioner, patent number 215758 on 3 March 2008. Therefore, by virtue of Section 48 (rights of a patentee) of the Patents Act, Bayer got the exclusive right to prevent third parties, from the acts of making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing the patented product in India, without its consent.
  • Cipla then introduced a drug “Soranib” which was a substitute of its patented drug. Subsequently, on 31st July 2008 Bayer wrote to the DCGI requesting that marketing approval be not granted to Cipla for its drug “Soranib” as Bayer had the exclusive right to market the drug.
  • It urged the DCGI to reject the representation of Cipla for grant of marketing approval for spurious adaptation of its patented drug “Sorafenib Tosylate”, as the same would contravene DCA.
  • Also, Bayer wrote to Cipla asking it to confirm whether it had filed an application before DCGI for grant of marketing approval for a drug covering “sorafenib tosylate” but received no reply.
  • Bayer filed the petition seeking directions to, inter alia, restrain grant of drug license in regard to an application by the third respondent for the license to manufacture, sell and distribute its drug ‘Soranib’. The petitioner claimed that the said drug was an imitation of, or substitute for, its patented drug.


  • The Petitioner contends that in the absence of an overriding provision in the Drugs Act, reinforces the intention of the legislature that its provisions of the Drugs Act are to be read in addition to the Patent laws and not to the contrary. Therefore, Section 2 of the Drugs Act have to be read in conformity with the Section 48 of the Patents Act which establishes a concept of “Patent Linkage” which imposes a burden on the Drug Controller to make sure that any of his decisions of granting market approval for a drug do not violate any law for the time being in force.


  • The petitioner relies on Section 18 and Form 44 of the Drugs Act, which talks about mentioning of patent status of the drug. While making an application before the Drug Controller, CIPLA ought to have mentioned the subject Patent of Bayer. Therefore, by a mere reading of Form 44, and also by virtue of publication of grant of the subject patent, it would be well within the knowledge of the Drug Controller that the subject patent exists in relation to the product for which CIPLA has applied for consequently, if the marketing approval is granted, it will contravene the provisions of Section 17B of the Drugs Act, as well as the provisions of Section 48 of the Patent Act.
  • The petitioner contends that the application of Cipla is for the license to manufacture, sell and distribute its drug “Soranib” which is an imitation of the Petitioners’ patented drug. The drug “Soranib”, being “spurious drug” as defined in Section 17B of the Drugs Act, the DCGI would not only be exceeding his jurisdiction but also give a decision which would be ultra vires Chapter IV of the Drugs Act.


  • Cipla contends that Bayer’s claim for patent linkage, based on an interpretation of Section 2 of the Drugs Act is misleading, because the grant of drug regulatory approval by the DCGI cannot, by itself amount to a patent infringement.
  • The existence of patent infringement cannot be assumed merely because the patentee states so, but has to be clearly established before a court of law in accordance with the infringement provisions mentioned under the Patents Act, 1970. Such an assessment is beyond the statutory powers of the DCGI, which is institutionally incapable of dealing with complex issues of patent scope, validity and infringement.
  • Cipla states that Section 107A of the Patents Act, clearly exempts from patent infringement any of acts of making, using or even selling a patented invention, in so far as such acts are necessary to obtain information for the filing of a drug regulatory application before the DCGI.
  • Cipla relied on the concept of “Bolar Provision” under Section 107A of the Patents Act which permits any drug manufacturer to experiment with any patented drug and is aimed at speeding up generic entry into the market and the availability of low cost drugs to the consumer.
  • Cipla states that Section 19 of the Patents Act provides limited powers to the Controller. It may at its best only direct that a reference to the earlier patent be inserted but does not authorise the controller to deny the grant of the patent itself to the applicant. Hence, DCGI cannot assess the possibility of patent infringement and dent drug regulatory approval on such grounds.
  • Cipla argued that the terms ‘limitation’ and ‘substitute’ in Section 17 B (b) cannot be read in isolation to the remainder of the sub-clause. The words ‘substitute for’ were to be read along with ‘in a manner likely to deceive’. The text of the said sub clause reveals that the same covers a situation where an individual is passing off his drug as that of another by way of using deceptive marks get-up or packaging and this did not include patents.



(1) Whether a combined reading of the Drugs Act and the Patents Act lead to the conclusion that no marketing approval can be granted to applicants for drugs or formulations, of which others are patent owners, by reason of Section 2 of the Drugs Act, read with Sections 48 and 156 of the Patents Act?

(2) Whether drugs or formulations which infringe patents are “spurious drugs” under the Drugs Act?


ISSUE 1 : Whether a combined reading of the Drugs Act and the Patents Act lead to the conclusion that no marketing approval can be granted to applicants for drugs or formulations, of which others are patent owners, by reason of Section 2 of the Drugs Act, read with Sections 48 and 156 of the Patents Act?

What is Patent Linkage?

Patent linkage is the practice of linking drug marketing approval to the patent status of the originator’s product and not allowing the grant of marketing approval to any third party prior to the expiration of the patent term, unless consented to by the patent owner. This creates a duty in favour of the Drugs Controller to ensure that marketing approval is not granted to generic manufacturers in cases where the drug is already covered by an existing patent.

Difference between the objectives of the Statutes

The Drugs Act is a public regulatory measure, prescribing standards of safety and good manufacture practices which are to be followed by every pharmaceutical industry, or which are to be satisfied by the importer of a drug, to assure that what are marketed are safe. The provisions of the Act manifest Parliamentary concern with public health in ensuring standard practices, and that people do not fall prey to adulterated or spurious drugs. There is a general public policy interest in such regulation.[1]

The Patents Act on the other hand, puts in place a regime containing standards for conferring private monopoly rights in favour of inventors. It requires that processes or products, to claim patents, should involve steps that are “technical advance as compared to the existing knowledge or having economic significance or which has not been anticipated by publication in any document or used in the country or elsewhere in the world before the date of filing of the patent application.

Authority of the DCGI

The Controller of Patents and other officers are experts at judging whether claimed products or processes are patentable. This expertise is not only in respect of pharmaceutical products, but other specialized areas as well.

This expertise depends upon adjudging, on an objective basis, whether a product or process is novel, or contains an inventive step. Such expertise does not necessarily exist in the case of officials under the Drugs Act, who are required to test the safety of the product, and ensure that it conforms to the therapeutic claim put forward. Whether it involves an inventive step, or is novel, is not within the domain of the Drugs Act authorities and officials.

The existence of patent linkage standards in express legislation, in other parts of the world underscores that courts, in the absence of a Parliament mandated regime, should not blaze into an obviously legislative path. No doubt, courts can, through interpretive devices such as purposive interpretation, or for avoiding absurd results, at times “fill in” statutory gaps.[2]

Bayer relies on Section 2 of the Drugs Act and Section 156 (of the Patents Act) to contend that statutory intention is clear that Drugs authorities are bound by patents, granted under the Patent Act, by virtue of Section 156 and therefore, they cannot, by conferring drug or marketing approval permit violation of patents validly granted. However, Section 156 is a clarification, that the Government, and its officials, as grantors, are bound by the patents. This means that they have to respect patents, and cannot infringe them.

Patent Linkage in Grant of Market Authorisation

One of the important reasons to inferring Drug agencies role in patent policing or enforcement is unacceptable, is that some developed countries, and the European Union cautioned against patent linkages. [3]

The EU Directorate General for Competition noted that “Patent linkage refers to the practice of linking the granting of MA (market authorization), the pricing and reimbursement status or any regulatory approval for a generic medicinal product, to the status of a patent (application) for the originator reference product. Under EU law, it is not allowed to link marketing authorisation to the patent status of the originator reference product. Since the status of a patent (application) is not included in the grounds set out in the Regulation and in the Directive, it cannot be used as an argument for refusing, suspending or revoking Marketing approval (MA).[4]

The court also rejected the Bayer’s argument that Rule 122 B(1) (b) of the Drugs Rules, read with Form 44 and the data required (Appendix 1 to Schedule Y), gave an insight that patent linkage is intended by Parliament. The court stated a known principle of statutory construction, which said that the Parliament or the concerned legislature is deemed to be aware of existing laws when it enacts new legislative measures.[5]

Therefore, there is no patent linkage in the country and what the Petitioner wants to do is to legislate it through the interpretations, which is impermissible. The court should avoid from making any policy choices which are to be made by executive and then made by the law. The concept of patent linkage is controversial in nature, since:

(1) It clothes regulatory authorities, which are executive bodies solely concerned with scientific quality, efficacy and safety issues, with completely new powers, and into areas lack in expertise, i.e. patent rights policing.

(2) It transforms patent rights which are private property rights, that depend on the owners’ promptitude and desire to enforce them, into public rights, whose enforcement is dependent on statutory authorities, who are publicly funded.

(3) Such linkage potentially undermines the “Bolar/Early Working” exception that encourage quick access to the post patent markets for generic medicines. This is a major public policy consideration in India, which faces a host of public health challenges.

The Hon’ble High Court rightly decreed the issue in favour of the Respondents, because Whenever there is a complaint on infringement it has to be challenged before the Intellectual Property Board and suits in the High Court. Before each such body, the patentee has to establish and prove infringement, wherever alleged, and may, in some cases, face challenges to the grant of its patent. Such crucial provisions, conceived in public interest, would be rendered a dead letter, if the Drugs authorities, on a representation of the patentee were to refuse licenses or approval, to applicants who otherwise satisfy the requirement of the Drugs Act and its provisions, or even be precluded from examining such applications, on assumed infringement. Also, under the Patents Act, infringement of a patent is not considered a criminal offence. On the other hand, under the Drugs Act, violation of any of its provisions constitutes a criminal offence. If patent linkage is directed, an act of infringement which is not an offence would indirectly be alleged to be an offence.


ISSUE 2: Whether drugs or formulations which infringe patents are “spurious drugs” under the Drugs Act?

Section 17-B of the Drugs Act defines spurious drugs as follows:

(a) if it is manufactured under a name which belongs to another drug; or

(b) if it is an imitation of, or is a substitute for, another drug or resembles another drug in a manner likely to deceive or bears upon it or upon its label or container the name of another drug unless it is plainly and conspicuously marked so as to reveal its true character and its lack of identity with such other drug; or

(c) if the label or container bears the name of an individual or company purporting to be the manufacturer of the drug, which individual or company is fictitious or does not exist; or

(d) if it has been substituted wholly or in part by another drug or substance; or

(e) if it purports to be the product of a manufacturer of whom it is not truly a product.

Bayer states that Cipla’s generic version of Sorafanib, which, it is contended, is sold under the brand name “Soranib” would amount to a “spurious drug”. If Bayer’s contention were to prevail, every generic drug would ipso facto amount to a “spurious drug”, since they are deemed substitutes of originator (patented) drugs. Such interpretation is facially untenable and contrary to the intent of the Drugs Act. The key elements of “spuriousness” are deception, in the manner of presentation of the drug concerned, in the sense that they imitate or represent themselves to be something that they are not.

The definition of “spurious drugs’ was introduced because of the problems of adulteration of drugs and production of spurious and sub-standard drugs, as posing a serious threat to the health of the community. A declaration by the drug agency entrusted with the task of deciding applications seeking marketing approval that someone not holding a patent is attempting to get clearance for a “spurious drug” would be pre-emptive, and would negate the provisions requiring that enforcers should follow certain mandatory procedures, and prosecute potential offenders.

When a pharmaceutical company first markets a drug, it is usually under a patent that allows only the pharmaceutical company that developed the drug to sell it. Generic drugs can only be legally produced for drugs which are free of patent protection. After the patent on a drug expires, any pharmaceutical company can manufacture and sell that drug for a fraction of the original cost of testing and developing that particular drug; in essence, says Bayer, this is a “generic” product.


Therefore it was rightly held by the court in favour of CIPLA because if Bayer’s contentions were accepted then every drug would be considered as spurious drug and generic drugs are nothing but the substitutes of patented drug, whereas the key element of determining the spurious drug is deception, in a manner, that they imitated themselves as something which they were not.


The court rightly dismissed the writ petition and pronounced the judgement in favour of the Respondents. Patent Linkage forces the regulatory authorities to perform a function which is completely in different domain altogether leading to changing the nature of patent right from a private right to a public right. If at all, patent linkage has to be adopted it should make sure that it does not come in the way of Compulsory Licensing. Even though such measures are good for the benefit of investing into Research and Development, but it still discourages generic competition in the market, leading to large monopoly of pharmaceutical company due to which the accessibility of the drug is difficult and if at all the drug is made available, it is at a very higher price which is unaffordable almost by the majority section of the people. Hence, whenever there is a need and it is in the benefit of public, market approval should be granted so that the drug can cater to the public, if the situation demands then, the generic drug manufacturer can be asked to pay royalty to the patent holder. This will also discourage monopoly of foreign pharmaceutical companies in the Indian market leading to rise in Indian economy as well.


[1] Robert  Galantucci,  Data  Protection  in  a  US-Malaysia free trade  agreement:  New  barriers  to  market  access  for generic  drug  manufacturers, Fordham  Intellectual  Property,  Media and Entertainment Law Journal, 17 (2007), 1083.

[2] Orange Book: Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations, Available at:


[3] European  Generic  Medicines  Association,  New  strategy  on patent  linkage  is  contrary  to  EU  law  and  threatens access  to competitive generic medicines, 2 February 2006,

[4] European  Union  –  DG  Competition,  Pharmaceutical  Sector Enquiry:     Preliminary     Report,     28    November     2008,

[5] Syndicate Bank v  Prabha D Naik AIR 2001 SC 1968.


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